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Oct 23rd 2020
So, who joined #IS but has been ordered to keep it quite (by al-Qurashî's audio)? The keeping it quite part IMO rules out groups with a monopoly on jihâdist violence in their area. #IS has never been shy to announce such acquisitions even when this meant international scrunity. /
Cases in point would be its provinces in Libya and the Phillipines whose territorial control was crushed by bombings of international coalitions. I don't think that this approach has changed when looking at Mozambique right now. 2/
The #ISCA province is very much on the offensive and has been noted as a security risk by international actors. The military intervention of a strong local or global force is only a question of time. 3/
Read 15 tweets
Oct 15th 2020
Booting up for Day 3 at #ISEA2020 💽

Stick around for our coverage of today's keynote on planetarity with Jennifer Gabrys of @citizen_sense #MilieuxXISEA
Gabrys reflecting on the importance of Forest media for understanding our planetary horizon:

"Forest media differently signals the configuration of the planetary and the human, illustrating the narrative of forest to development"

Learn more about Gabrys's work on forests and sensing with her project Smart Forests. Her keynote live now at #ISEA;

#MilieuxXISEA #Concordia
Read 7 tweets

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