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Nov 6th 2022
🧐So… are high natural gas prices over in Europe? #TTF

🌞Warm weather in Europe along with the increment in #LNG imports have diminished the natural gas prices in Europe

⛵️70% of US LNG exports went to Europe in 3Q22 compared to 30% in 3Q21
🇪🇺natural gas inventories are at 95% capacity and Day Ahead prices have plunged ~90% from Aug

As a consequence, there are > 30 LNG carriers waiting to unload in Europe as it is more profitable for them to wait for colder temperatures ➡️ Day Ahead prices recover (Contango)
So..are high nat gas prices over?

Well, we as 🇪🇺 have been lucky of the 🌞we had in Oct. But, situation changes from now on as ❄️ arrives & the 95% capacity figure is a bit tricky

👉🏽It only covers 20% of yearly demand and is designed to receive nat gas from 🇷🇺 during winter
Read 6 tweets
Apr 8th 2022
In 2021, Europe imported ~158 Bcm of Russian #natgas.
By 2027, that figure is (supposedly) going to be 0 Bcm.

How do the Europeans get that done? Time for a 🧵
1/n Firstly, how does Europe plan to move away from Russian gas?

1. Moar US #LNG.
2. Increased energy efficiency.
3. More renewable energy deployment.
4. Healthy doses of optimism and idealism.

See @EU_Commission statement below.…
2/n Specifically, within the EU's statement is the commitment to increase LNG imports from the US by:

15 Bcm in 2022
50 Bcm by [2027]

Seems pretty doable? Until you actually dig into it.
Read 11 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
Sürekli olarak bizim için neyin avantajlı olduğunu ve arzuladıklarımızı düşünüyoruz. Sizce kâr arayan bir zihin gerçeği bulabilir mi? Eğer hakikati bir avantaj amacıyla ararsa o zaman aslında hakikati aramıyordur.
Hakikat, her türlü kişisel avantaj ve kazancın üstünde ve ötesindedir. #jkm
Fedakârlık yapma - Feragat etme
Read 3 tweets

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