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Jan 27th 2020
Man, I thought Gamer-gate was something to watch, but watching #IStandWithVic spiral into what it's become has been something crazy interesting..

In the way train wrecks are interesting, but still.
They at least -started- on the actual belief that Vic Mignogna was innocent.

And then the lawsuit happened... and it stopped being about Vic's innocence and about the defendants.

I Stand with Vic became "Fuck SJWs." -- just like CG and GG before it.
You look at the hashtags now and they're all from the same people. "#kickvic is dead!" they cry. Of course it is. He's been fired and lost his initial case completely. The only people arguing anymore are arguing to 'own the sjw lib cucks', not because they actually stand with Vic
Read 6 tweets
Jul 20th 2019
I finished reading Ronica's TCPA motion.

Please don't defend Vic if you haven't read this.

I skipped the depositions and articles I'd already read, but I otherwise read every word. I fixed the sideways pages and put it on my drive, if anyone wants that.…
I went into this with a lot of excitement because I knew it was going to destroy whatever sliver of a case Vic had left. It absolutely did, but it left me feeling emotionally drained. This is a truly terrible document. It's even worse if you know how many stories got left out.
These emails between Vic and @MicheleSpecht hurt so much to read. We all knew how much she must have suffered, but to see it laid out like this—and for him to try to deny her the right to tell her story in the end—is just the nail in his coffin. What a reprehensible human being.
Read 20 tweets
Apr 27th 2019
WARNING: Recently things have become incredibly dangerous for Vic Mignogna supporters. We are seeing unprecedented criminal activities from #kickvic & quite frankly it scares me at how deep the corruption runs in the anime industry & community. We need to speak out about this!
First off, as some of you already know, Nick Rekieta has been deplatformed from Twitter. @YellowFlashGuy revealed that both (founder of #kickvic) Marzgurl & Renfamous' secret discord server where she promotes mass false flagging to her followers, played a part in this.
Then we have Marzgurl actively trying to dox YellowFlash, publicly asking for the help of her followers on FB. She claims that she will sue him bc he made YT videos about her. She said that the police & FBI dismissed her claims as baseless. Is now trying to contact "congress ppl"
Read 7 tweets
Apr 18th 2019
Ok, #IStandWithVic & #KickVic. This will be brief. I need all to read what I will have numbered in the screenshots listed in this thread. After that, I will have more to say.
1) This is one of the IMPORTANT points. Read and go to the next part.
2) This highlights the easy to navigate information. Please keep in mind that this was done with the help of #IStandWithVic and its supporters in collecting cited info, me by myself in summarizing it, and my LIA Chair who indexed it neatly. After you read this, move on to 3.
Read 26 tweets
Feb 17th 2019
(Thread) If you ever ask yourself why i simply block Vicstans instead of talking to them.

Apparently #Pensacon received a death- and bombthreat from one fucked up psychopath and now they polish their tinfoil hats to convince themselves it was a #kickvic false flag operation.
Logic has left their thinking a long time ago. Instead of even allowing the simple idea, that Vic might be guilty of enough of the allegations to Warrant him getting fired and banned they believe conspiracy theories that get more stupid by the second.
It's because he doesn't sign gay porn.
It's because people want money
Monica wants his roles
ANN wants to distract from Hazukari
Crunchyroll instigated all of this to hurt Funimation.
We are one step away before they blame it all on George Soros and a zionist conspiracy.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 14th 2019

I'll try to stop being so involved in this topic after this weekend. I got more important things to do in my life.

But i still wanted to dissect this "apology"... Or "nonpology" for that matter.


"My desire has always been to show appreciation, warmth and acceptance to fans of my work."

This means. "All i did was being nice"

"If anyone has been made uncomfortable by me, it's not for me to contradict them. It's impossible for me to discern another's personal boundaries. I regret anything I have said or done out of ignorance that has put anyone outside of their comfort zone"

Read 15 tweets
Feb 13th 2019
Learn from the #KickVic #IStandWithVic debacle, men of today, and young men of tomorrow; never let your guard down around females. Do not hug them, do not kiss them do not look at them, for all it takes is a malicious whisper to ruin your life. That is the world we are living in.
Even if they are your girlfriends, do not kiss them unless they give you express permission! Spontaneous acts of affection are not allowed in this new world we live in. You are not allowed to have fun, take risks, or be free to express your SELF.
Sit down, and shut up. Remind yourself of the #MalePrivilege you have each and every day. Guilt yourself, shame yourself, make yourself docile to the gynarchy (Gyne + Monarchy). You are not allowed to speak your opinion, for the color on your skin is the WRONG ONE!
Read 8 tweets
Feb 9th 2019
1/ I have been seeing many posts about Vic Mignogna. I want to believe that many people have not lied about sexual assaults. My problem is I have only seen pictures of him kissing and hugging fans (Yes, I can see that this is creepy to some people. It is also okay if you call him
2/ creepy since that is subjective to everyone. I personally do not see it as such because since I was a child I had strangers who kissed my hand and check. I know that they did this to be friendly and not to harm me.) What I want to see is pictures/videos of other allegations
3/ because if they are true there need to be actions taken which involves the courts and the police.I know someone will respond with why are there so many stories or voice actors against him then, possible reasons are 1) Dramatizing (not intentional) of stories and seeing more
Read 16 tweets
Jan 31st 2019
Earlier today @ToddHaberkorn made a response to @jessiepridemore’s post regarding an incident with @vicmignogna. #kickvic…
He decided to include me in this response so I wanted to help add to the narrative.
I was surprised that Todd decided to use her post about surviving an assault to all but say “it was me” to the other part of Jessie’s story around the unnamed VA in this post. You were not called out by name so you thought that jumping in and saying it you was a good idea?
To include my name and not others who were there that evening who are not heavily involved in the anime industry still is a calculated move. To share screenshots of a private conversation without asking permission is a calculated move.
Read 16 tweets

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