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Oct 3rd 2022
1/ Live 🧵

Let's explore why the @CityofVancouver & @VSB39 plan separately. How did it end up being that a major city produces a blueprint for the future that does not include school & amenity planning.

First, let us set the stage for #vanpoli NIMBYs & YIMBYs.
2/ Simplified 🤗 take

NIMBYs have kids & grandkids
YIMBYs plan for kids & have kids

Let's reset & unite on the theory that you care about kids. How would you address the fact that our local governments are planning in silos? What impact will this have on your kids' kids? #bced
3/ What impact does this have on Vancouver's ability to attract and retain families? Does the City know who it is building for? Does the VSB know how to forecast?

Deep down, we all know the city is going to become dense; just debating the shape & speed.

Read 48 tweets
Mar 31st 2022
I spoke in opposition Tuesday to #Vancouver City Council designating a SkyTrain station in the proposed Jericho Lands enormous luxury towers development in West Point Grey/#Kitsilano - unfortunately Council made the wrong decision... 1/ #vanpoli #bcpoli
Let’s start with the multiple 38 storey, 32 storey & 20 storey luxury towers planned for Jericho. This development for up to 20,000 people is completely out of all proportion to the neighbourhood & #Vancouver. #vanpoli #bcpoli
But this Jericho Lands development has not been approved by #Vancouver. And the proposed UBC SkyTrain extension has no business case let alone funding. But Council ignored that, except for Councillor @CllrHardwick, who was the only no vote. #vanpoli #bcpoli /3
Read 12 tweets
Aug 13th 2017
This is a thread with media! Media are coming in the next version ok Twitter Thread Reader :) Let's see ... 1/x
One media, city of Vancouver yesterday more photos are coming, then embeded and video 2/x
Two media from the walk, it took three hours to go around the Stanlay park (but to be honest these tweets are more for testing than 3/x
Read 10 tweets

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