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Aug 19th 2020
Anybody's opinion is only an opinion until you believe & accept it. How well do you know you?

🎥Watch/📟Listen to the full of "Motivation Time-out with Damilola Abodunrin."

Theme for August:
Time and Season.Episode 7.

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Dec 24th 2019
What is darkness?
What is light?
Where are you going?
How can you get there if you don't know where you are?
Does darkness illuminate the way?
Or obscure it with fear of what probably will never be?
How will you find your way?
You know.
Stop. Look. Listen.
Find your peace.
Those who fight to lead do not know the way.
Those who block others project their fear.
Those who seek power know only darkness.
Those who serve without benefit shine light.
What do you see? Why?
Where are you now?
What is your life about?
Where is it leading you?
Dark to light.
Can you connect with your creator?
Do you believe you have one? Why or why not?
How does it impact where you are?
When in darkness, how do you find your way?
What do you hear?
What do you see?
Which way will you go?
What do you want for yourself? For others?
Read 8 tweets

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