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Jun 4th 2023
‘According to Henry, anyone who had invested $12,000 in 1962 would be worth over $1 million in 1969.’

- Thomas Bloch Image
“In every business and particularly every service business, people are the most valuable asset. The people who meet our customers face-to-face are H&R Block. Our success has always been due to quality, customer-oriented people in our organization.” Henry Bloch
“We were worried about competitors coming into our market. That's why we never talked publicly about how well we were doing. People always asked, 'How can you afford to stay in business by charging only $5?’” Henry Bloch

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Aug 1st 2022
Tonight, J-Hope made history as the first South Korean artist to headline a major U.S. music festival.

Before he took the stage, we caught up with him backstage at @Lollapalooza to talk about the performance, the prep work, and more. #jhopeAtLollapalooza
Talking about performing "More" and "Arson" live for the very first time, #JHope says: "They are also songs that have styles that I haven’t performed before. I practiced a lot because they are kind of difficult songs to do live"…
#JHope joked that the experience of rehearsing without his six other BTS bandmates has been "lonely."

"I miss my members. [It’s] very challenging, but also very fun. So actually, I think it’s very positive to take on new challenges."
Read 4 tweets
Jul 31st 2022
Our Q&A with @findingfletcher from #Lollapalooza starts soon! Tap in using #RSasksFLETCHER
@RollingStone Q: Whats the first album you bought?#RSasksFLETCHER
- @demiistheonly

A: ❤️ @britneyspears
@RollingStone Q: Do you want to get new tattoos? #RSasksFLETCHER
- @findingGiada

Read 23 tweets
Jul 30th 2022
Our Q&A with @gracieabrams from #Lollapalooza starts soon! Tap in using #RSasksGracieAbrams
@RollingStone Q: #RSasksGracieAbrams out of all the recent tour fits from tiwifl/sour tour which one do you like the most?
- @takeit2far

@RollingStone Q: #RSasksGracieAbrams what is one goal/hopeful dream u have for urself in the next year, what do u hope to achieve
- @gwsdaylight

Read 21 tweets
Mar 28th 2022
Ayer durante el festival #Lollapalooza, uno de los más grandes celebrados en Brasil, hubo un grito unánime contra Bolsonaro. Aquí este momento histórico de Djonga.
Poco antes @lucasfresno de @fresnorock le mandó este recado a Bolsonaro.
En el momento que tocaba Fresno, @LuluSantos gritó ¡Censura nunca más! y pidió a todo el mundo que vaya a votar.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 25th 2022
Ilustrada: Lollapalooza abre com 'fora, Bolsonaro' e Tico Santa Cruz rebola como Anitta…
Foi com um telão bem millennial —cheio de memes, figurinhas do WhatsApp, GIFs e imagens de figuras como o Fofão e eleitores de Bolsonaro— que o rapper Edgar abriu, pouco depois das 13h desta sexta-feira (25), a programação do palco Adidas no Lollapalooza Brasil (📹 @lucsabreda)
Logo depois da primeira música, uma pessoa mascarada e vestida com uma farda militar entrou no palco e fechou o artista em um saco de lixo preto enquanto ele cantava "Plástico", alterando trechos da música para dizer que "Bolsonaro é um lixo" (📹 @lucsabreda)
Read 84 tweets
Aug 2nd 2021
DaBaby is continuing to reap the consequences of his homophobic outburst as yet another major music festival has removed the scorned rapper from its lineup.…
The organizers of NYC's forthcoming Governors Ball released a statement condemning “hate or discrimination of any kind,” along with an updated roster excluding the artist.

Shortly after, DaBaby issued a second, lengthier apology for his behavior.…
DaBaby was previously dropped from the United Kingdom’s upcoming Parklife festival, as well as #Lollapalooza this past weekend, after unleashing an offensive rant about gay people and HIV/AIDS last month at Miami’s Rolling Loud.…
Read 5 tweets
May 19th 2021
#OnThisDay #OTD #25YearsAgo May 19, 1996, "Homerpalooza" (S07E24) first aired on the Fox network. Dir: @archermation. Wr: Brent Forrester. EP: @thatbilloakley & @Joshstrangehill. Featuring @SmashingPumpkin, @cypresshill, @thesonicyouth and @peterframpton. #TheSimpsons
They billed this as a "one-hour season finale" even though it was actually two new episodes back-to-back. ("Summer of 4'2" was the second episode, which I will be giving its own thread later today.) Below is the print ad for both episodes. Image
A few years back, Josh Weinstein shared his photo with the Smashing Pumpkins at the recording session for this episode in 1995.
Read 13 tweets

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