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Mar 24th 2022
From a bumper 2021 in which sprawling blockbusters finally hit reopened movie theaters, and streaming platforms released more prestige flicks than ever, 10 films remain in contention for the best picture #AcademyAward.
Here's a rundown from @andrewmarszal
@andrewmarszal Kenneth Branagh's semi-autobiographical #Belfast has long been viewed as a serious #Oscars contender. It depicts the outbreak of violence in his native Northern Ireland in the late 1960s from the perspective of a nine-year-old boy
@andrewmarszal #CODAfilm centers on teen Ruby, the only hearing member of a deaf household in a small US fishing community. The #Oscars contender, which cast deaf actors in lead roles and features copious dialogue in sign language, has been celebrated as a landmark in disability representation
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Mar 22nd 2022
📽️#Kinocube participará nos faladoiros dos #Oscars do Cinema Lobeira os vindeiro 23 e 30 de marzo!

Que vos parece se imos quentando motores repasando algúns dos filmes nominados nesta edición? 😉

Comezamos cos nominados a mellor filme! 👇 Image
🎞️Nightmare Alley (Guillermo del Toro, 2021)

Non é un remake do filme de Edmund Goulding, senón unha volta ao material orixinal cunha reinterpretación dos arquetipos do #filmnoir 🕵️

#NightmareAlley Image
🎞️Don't look up (Adam McKay, 2021)

Unha sátira afiada sobre a nova era da desinformación, tan cómica como desesperanzadora. ☄️

#DontLookUp Image
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Jan 28th 2022
Just watched #LicoricePizza!
Beautiful, odd confused love story, with the most aleatory cameos you would ever expect. Another “Hollywood celebrates Hollywood” kinda film.
As a 70s sucker, I loved the vibes, fantastic soundtrack, spectacular job from costume + H&M.
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Actress #AlanaHaim is literally a rainbow that fills the big screen with such a different, cinematic beauty & aura. Everytime her face’s in closeup on #LicoricePizza, it’s really magical, classic Hollywood. Director & cinematographer knew how to make the most of her presence.
I was blown away that both leads #AlanaHaim & #CooperHoffman were making their film debuts on this. So talented, and brought that freshness at same time.
Funny enough, for some reason Cooper reminded me of #MichaelGandolfini as Tony in #TheManySaintsOfNewark all the time.
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Dec 22nd 2021

If a banging new mag with world-exclusives aplenty is at the top of your Christmas list, you're in luck – our #TheBatman issue goes on sale TOMORROW!

Here's a sneaky peek at some of the treats inside...

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Get ready for an all-new take on the Caped Crusader. Empire gets the low-down on #TheBatman, with exclusive new pics and interviews with @mattreevesLA, Robert Pattinson, @ZoeKravitz, Paul Dano, Colin Farrell and Dylan Clark. Words by @DanJolin.

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A new year means tons of new movies – and that means an epic breakdown of all the most exciting stuff coming our way in 2022, all served up in our mega Preview section. Stuff like… Image
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