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Mar 4th 2021
So, what happened to #NodeJS in 2020? Our top 5 meetup video selection will have the answer you're probably looking for. You can check our roundup here and under this tweet as well.…
First up: @jotadeveloper at @GitNationOrg talked about building a #NodeJS registry with the help of #React. You can check it out below.…
together? This talk will highlight opportunities by bringing #MachineLearning, #linearalgebra and #NodeJS with #TensorFlowJS. Learn more about using pre-trained models, training your own models, and running TensorFlow.js in various Node environments.…
Read 7 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
Please help us welcome our next curator Darryl Takudzwa Griffiths. @BlaqNinja completed his Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering at DUT, graduated in 2011. Due to struggling to find suitable employment he went on to study multiple certificates from bodies such as Microsoft.
He has certificates in N+ (Computer Networking), A+ (Computer Technician & Technical Support), Certified Ethical Hacking V7 (CEH v7), Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP). Sadly even with these, he could not secure his desired post so in 2016 he moved to USA.
Darryl was able to secure a job in a corporation that owns casinos as a system analyst & security architect. Within the same year he embarked on a Masters degree in Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Engineering. In 2017 he resigned from his post and started his own company...
Read 99 tweets

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