We have had an amazing week with very insightful curators on various fields of I.C.T
(According to my research there is no university in Zimbabwe offering Robotics & A.I)
According to a recent research by Price Waterhouse Coopers the global GDP is forecasted to be 14% higher in 2030 because of A.I & the tech revolution.
According to payscale.com he monthly salary for a Robotics Engineer in South Africa is average of R194 000 a month
Though it's not much it sure is something for am entry level engineer
Maths is core & one needs to have workable knowledge of
1. Graph Theory
2. Recessive Deterministic Perception
3. Geometry
4. Measurements
5. Algebra
6. Statistics
7. Calculus
8. Matrix Theory
10. Problem Formulation
11. Production Systems
12. Ontology
13. Prepositional Logic
1. Python (support libraries such Numfy, Pandas, PyBrain, Scify)
2. C++
3. Java (for Natural Language Proccesing + Apache, Stark, Hadoop)
4. TensorFlow for Deep Learning Projects
5. Julia for high performance numerical computing
8. Raspberry Pi
10. .Net
11. Keras
12. PyTorch
13. OpenCV
below I will share some books that can help one start from beginner

bit.ly/3583Ldd #abdsc #BigData #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #Algorithms #DataScience #Statistics #DataMining #AI #PredictiveAnalytics #Rstats #abdsc —— +Go deeper with this #PredictiveModeling book: amzn.to/38xm652
—————— #abdsc #BigData #Analytics #AI #MachineLearning #TimeSeries #DataViz #Coding #DataScientists
I will now share a few scholarships, who knows you might be get yourself accepted
Good luck
Signing out.