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Aug 24th 2018
#Thread on new features and updates announced in release notes of #MSDyn365 Oct'18:…. This is an excellent longread. Thread is just #TLDR for #CE specific/related features

#PowerApps #CDS #Flow #USD #Sales #FieldService #USD #Portals #AzureML
Starting with #MSDyn365 #Sales updates:
1. Playbooks: Think of it as Barney Stinson's playbook. Basically set of "automated repeatable sales activities" that help in winning opportunities. Looks like it'll be a set of activities which could be assigned to users
2. #MSDyn365 #Sales will feature deeper integration with LinkedIn, including capability to send InMail and adding LinkedIn related step in Business Process Flows

3. Out of the box @MicrosoftTeams integration
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