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Aug 10th 2020
Credit goes to: Jessica Baudin-Griffin

Oh, I’m sorry,
Are you offended
By my unicorn fist?
Well, after a year of this government,
I’m feeling
Mighty pissed.

UCP policies tell
Albertans to
Suck it.
Education, health care,
Human rights?
Ya, they’ve fucked it.
These career politicians
Without any
Spend their days
However they please.

And while we struggle
Our way through a
Global pandemic,
They’re spreading
Ideology like a
Swift epidemic.
And maybe all of this
Was part of their
Keep the woman at home,
Reliant on her

But this Mom
Won’t go down without
A fight.
You start messing with kids?
Watch out for
My bite.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 15th 2020
Our grass-roots #DefendOurMonuments rally in Colorado Springs, which I pulled together in 24 hours w/no GOP party support & no $, is lead story across local news. #GetUpOffYourKnees #MakeYourVoiceHeard #ResistTheMob #AmericaFirst @randycorporon @TRONSHOW @SeanPaige @jennybethm ImageImage
She called her group a reflection of the #silentmajority that stands in opposition to protests in Colorado Springs and beyond that she said were motivated by anti-establishment fervor. “Their ultimate goal is disruption and anarchy,” Malkin said. #DefendOurMonuments ImageImageImageImage
BLM crowd went after 2 Union statues in CO. They vandalized Lincoln Memorial steps in DC. Now they want Boston statue of Lincoln & freed slave torn down. It's not about police brutality or racism or justice. They want to #CancelAmerica
Read 3 tweets
Jun 10th 2020
Open Letter - Our Science is in Danger and we need Your Help!

Dear ALL,

We need your help to restore public trust in science and provide researchers with adequate conditions to do their work in solving the world's problems.

Please help with your comments to make our message as simple, accessible and crystal clear as possible.

Without your support, our voices will be ignored, and nothing will change.

#HelpOurScience #HelpSaveLives…
In May 2020, the prestigious medical journal @TheLancet published a flawed study regarding the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat #COVID19.…

Read 38 tweets
Oct 2nd 2019
You MUST make your voice heard, it takes 5 mins of your day. Find your representative call them, leave a message politely telling them exactly what you think, they are reporting to Nancy how many constituents they hear from. 🗣☎️…
Equally important is contacting representatives that are defending @POTUS THEY get inundated from lefty call lists, let them know you appreciate it and encourage them to be louder.…
#ProTip press *67 before you dial the number if you want to keep your number private.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 2nd 2018
Enjoying your Sunday morning so far? Starting the day slowly, scrolling through Twitter? Have any plans for the next few minutes?

It's time to MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. A thread.
Fill in the government's consultation on the GRA reform! Deadline is 19 October - THAT'S NEXT MONTH.

Make your voice heard. @fairplaywomen have produced an excellent guide for filling in the consultation.
@Transgendertrd explains the impact of Self ID on children and their treatment and assessment with the NHS.…
Read 13 tweets

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