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Jun 13th 2023
Let's take this thread into more context for those outside the region, and those unfamiliar with the #TTP operations in #Swat.

The #TTP typically move through 2 routes:

- from #Afghanistan to #Elum in #Buner to either of their bases in #Ghat, south of #MalamJabba.
The 2nd route is from #Kunar, #Afghanistan through #LowerDir or #Bajaur to #GhatPeochar, the former stronghold of the #TTP during #Fazlullah's occupation of #Swat.

It was also one of the most difficult battle is the fight to reclaim Swat from the #terrorists.
We know of both police and military operations on going in areas including #GhatPeochar, mountains around #MalamJabba, #Charbagh, and #Banjot.
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