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Jun 18, 2023 12 tweets 12 min read
As the #Taliban continue to claim moving #TTP fighters to western #Afghanistan, TTP fighters have been confirmed in northern AFG, today the head of district intelligence of the Taliban’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GID) can under attack in #Badakhshah province. For those unfamiliar with #Badakhshah provincial borders… Image
Jun 16, 2023 13 tweets 13 min read
Some interesting reports coming out of #Afghanistan over the past few days:

- roughly 2,000 #Taliban suicide bombers have been moved to the #Iran|ian border since the end of May. - #ISKP has also started moving their fighters to northern #Afghanistan, according to sources within an anti-#Taliban group. They are being moved to #Badakhshan, #Takhar and some others.

Apparently, there are both @CIA and #ISI fingerprints on this.
Jun 13, 2023 12 tweets 11 min read
Let's take this thread into more context for those outside the region, and those unfamiliar with the #TTP operations in #Swat.

The #TTP typically move through 2 routes:

- from #Afghanistan to #Elum in #Buner to either of their bases in #Ghat, south of #MalamJabba. The 2nd route is from #Kunar, #Afghanistan through #LowerDir or #Bajaur to #GhatPeochar, the former stronghold of the #TTP during #Fazlullah's occupation of #Swat.

It was also one of the most difficult battle is the fight to reclaim Swat from the #terrorists.
Jun 12, 2023 18 tweets 11 min read
The #TTP occupation in #Swat is significantly more than is being reported in the domestic media.

Many villages are under TTP control, and search operations have been on-going for more than 5 months.

It is no surprise that the TTP has returned to Swat for us @commandeleven. For the past 3 years, we have repeatedly informed and warned that the TTP presence was growing and their influence was increasing.

Deaf ears.

We have repeatedly argued against the negotiating table, because it is a sign of weakness.

Why should we negotiate?
Sep 15, 2021 5 tweets 6 min read
Why must @ImranKhanPTI disgrace #Pakistan with his confused history?

During the war with the #Soviets, there was no #alQaeda or #Taliban. There was only #Mujahideen.

After the Soviet withdrawal & civil war, the Taliban emerged. There is no mujahideen in #Afghanistan today. A major part of #Pakistan’s #PR problem is confused narratives driving confused perceptions.

We didn’t train the #Mujahideen alone. We had help from the #US, @CIA & #SaudiArabia.

Why does the PM forget this & place on the responsibility on Pakistan alone?
Oct 28, 2020 5 tweets 6 min read
This is a significant foreign policy mistake by the #US & @SecPompeo

Having a defense collaboration agreement already in place had already made regional players uncomfortable, the sharing of intelligence data with #India is a recipe for disaster in the region. The #US alignment with the #Modi government clearly shows that they are not interested in human rights or justice with #India

Rather, the US comprehensive support with embolden @narendramodi to go further than previously imagined.
Sep 10, 2020 6 tweets 6 min read
After #COAS #Bajwa again talking about #5GW and the threat #Pakistan faces, the #PTI government has still been unable to restrict the access or approach of any of these groups.

#Warfare, especially in today’s connected, camera friendly world, is much easier to wage. Nations can steal elections with the right strategy. They can change narratives with hostile actions. They can create hate and distrust.

We have all of these happening in today’s #Pakistan.

And the govt is sleeping...
Jul 6, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
It's very interesting how #India frames their defeats.

Indian Army sends unarmed soldiers - gets beaten to a pulp

@narendramodi travels close to #LAC & visits conference rooms with beds, pretending to be a hospital.

#China defines new LAC & India claims "victory" for itself. This is much like the #Balakot misadventure, where the #IAF supposedly hit a group of 300 militants.

Only to find broken trees & dead birds in target space.

#IAF pilot got to enjoy the most expensive cup of tea in Indian history.
Aug 19, 2019 4 tweets 4 min read
As #India continues attempts to ban foreign voices & analysis, wouldn’t you question the thinkers within that country as to how free & honest their own thinking is?

#StopSuspendingPakistanis because you can’t counter our voices, opinions or understanding! Image The #Indians claim that they are better at #InfoWar than any other country, yet they are unable to counter true statements without their rhetoric or hysteria.

Go back & check old tweets, you’ll find the bulk of educated, civilized #Indians unable to speak without hate.
Aug 18, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
It always disturbs us when #liberals bash our #PakArmy citing foreign models of military service.

Militaries are well-versed in strategic challenges & opportunities that their nations face. They don’t make the decisions, but they advise all quarters.

Intelligence briefings. Militaries don’t run businesses abroad. They are developed counties. #Pakistan is not.

That’s why defense contractors hire retired military to run their operations, quality assurance & other aspects, based on their experience in the battlefield.
Aug 18, 2019 4 tweets 6 min read
#ISKP claims responsibility for the vicious #Kabul wedding attack.

#ISKP is a manufactured arm of #NDS, sponsored by the non-#Pashtuns in @KarzaiH & @ashrafghani govts. They were “launched” once the #TTP had their heads crushed by the #PakArmy. For those unaware, the #ISKP flag was first raised by #MangalBagh, the leader of Lashkar-e-Islam, a bandit group in Jamrud.
Aug 18, 2019 5 tweets 5 min read
It’s interesting watching the Chief #Indian Propagandist creating questions about #Pakistani journalists, who have a reputation of being pro-#India.

Simultaneously, he accuses @OfficialDGISPR of manufacturing a false narrative on #Kashmir. For those of us who have learned #India’s #InfoWar model, we should have millions of #US & #UK bots re-tweeting & insulting #Pakistanis, full of misspellings & foul language.

The standard of the game from their side is amateur at best.
Jul 18, 2019 5 tweets 7 min read
Sad that @NikkiHaley repeats the 2 flawed narratives:

“giving #Pakistan’s military $1 billion” when everyone knows those payments, under the Coalition Support Fund (#CSF), were repayment for Pakistan’s military support for #US forces in #Afghanistan. Second, the idea that #Pakistan was killing #US soldiers in #Afghanistan by “supporting the #Taliban.”

#Pakistan lost all ties with the #Taliban when it decided to stand with the US in the global war on terror.
Jul 12, 2019 6 tweets 6 min read
As the #US prepares for @ImranKhanPTI’s maiden visit as #PM, @realDonaldTrump’s nominee for Joint Chief if Staff has stressed maintaining the military relationship with #Pakistan.

dawn.com/news/1493607/u… General #MarkMilley told the #Senate #ArmedServices committee:

“If confirmed as chairman, my objective will be to preserve the defence relationship between the United States and Pakistan even as we press Pakistan to take action on US requests.”
Jul 6, 2019 7 tweets 6 min read
The article clearly says that the cell established at #GHQ is responsible for facilitate the process regarding #MissingPersons, not outright find them.

But since you’ve brought up the issue... #MissingPersons in #Pakistan aren’t always guests of the #State, as many would like to portray. Many left home of their own accord & joined #militant & #terrorist groups.

Those who are guests of the State have been proven to the Supreme Court of Pakistan in previous hearings.
Jun 26, 2019 4 tweets 4 min read
On Wednesday, #India appointed Samant Kumar #Goel to head #RAW. India claims that he is #Pakistan expert. Image #Goel had an instrumental role in planning the February 2019 #BalakotAirStrikes & the #Uri #SurgicalStrike in 2016, which have defined @narendramodi’s #CT strategy.

Being that both were proved to be fake & gave #India greater embarrassment than success.
Jun 22, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
#Breaking: Upper #Chesapeake Hospital, #BelAir, #Maryland, is on total diversion, meaning all emergency traffic must go to another hospital as this one is closed.

A patient has been exposed to a nerve agent. #HAZMAT
Jun 21, 2019 10 tweets 6 min read
It’s actually not a targeted crackdown. This was an influence operation being tested.

The #Indian government has done this before taking down ~100 handles due to pro-#Kashmir tweeting.

This time they went after much bigger & well-known accounts that embarrassed @narendramodi. Look at the facts on ground:

A reporter, that has never done a #NationalSecurity story, writing about a very technical national security topic.

Working for a newspaper that has a total readership of 1.3 million, who has never published anything of this level before.
Jun 20, 2019 7 tweets 7 min read
Two mistakes:

1) When you blame the military for every vice & problem in #Pakistan, you are hands down the worst analyst/political commentator in the world.

It’s like you don’t know abt the corruption & extra-judicial killings of the 80s & 90s. During the 80s & 90s, #journalists, #police, & #bureaucrats were bought and sold at the behest of #NawazSharif & #BenazirBhutto.

#ShehbazSharif maintained his own killing squad to take out political rivals.

What rank in the military did they hold?
Jun 19, 2019 4 tweets 6 min read
Here we go again.... @Natsecjeff @ELINTNews @intellipus @IntelCrab @steffanwatkins

greatgameindia.com/the-pakistani-… Here’s how bad their research & editing is: @khalid_pk runs @commandeleven. It’s actually @Khalid_C11.
Jun 18, 2019 5 tweets 6 min read
If this is correct, this could open the doors to peace in #Afghanistan.

A 4-part plan including:

Counter #Terrorism (#CT)
Troop withdrawal
Intra-#Afghan Negotiations
Comprehensive Ceasefire Counter #Terrorism (#CT)

The #Taliban will be looking for assurances of a combined effort to uproot #ISIS (#ISKP, #ISHP & #ISPP) from the region. They will also look to dismantle the #NDS supported camps for insurgents & militants against #Pakistan.