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Apr 4th 2023
Thread: #MalianaMassacre a Tale of Injustice in India

It has been 36 years since 72 Muslims were brutally killed in the small town of #Maliana, in #UttarPradesh by provincial police force. On 01 April, 40 accused in the #massacre during the 1987 riots in Maliana...,
...Meerut were acquitted, while 23 accused have left this world and 30 accused are missing, against whom the trial will continue. The prosecution failed to produce sufficient evidence before the court, due to which benefit of doubt was given to the accused. #muslimsinindia
It took 36 years for the court to pronounce the verdict i.e. those who were accused in youth were acquitted in old age and children whose parents were killed have crossed puberty. Their families still await even the first glimmer of justice. #MalianaMassacre #IndianSupremeCourt
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May 22nd 2021
Years after the 1987 #HashimpuraMassacre and #MalianaMassacre
Not much has changed for the survivors and the relatives of the people killed. The wounds are still fresh, the quest for justice is still an ongoing ordeal and they no more trust men in khakis
It took them precisely 2 hours to complete the task they had assigned themselves. At the end of those two hours, nothing stirred in #MalianaMassacre as people sat huddled together, gripped by fear as the stench of smoke and human bodies rose about them.
Those who ran out to escape the inferno were showered with gunfire by PAC men positioned on rooftops. Scores fell to the bullets.”
Read 11 tweets
May 22nd 2021
1987 : Twin Massacres of #Muslims at Meerut & Maliana by the Police

Initial response of the #Congress govt of massacres at Meerut & Maliana was one of denial, followed by attempts to cover up the crime. In a desperate attempt to find someone else to blame
an Indian Embassy official explained the allegation by stating that “Police uniforms were stolen and used as a disguise by anti-social elements.

Meanwhile, Uttar Pradesh administration, led by Chief Minister VB Singh (#Congress), claimed that the
Muslims were the real aggressors, implying that the PAC’s was justified. Singh did suspend the PAC’s commandant, Tripathi, but after one day he was reinstated for the fear of Revolt in the PAC.

In an attempt to download Play the massacre, Union Home minister #HashimpuraMassacre
Read 14 tweets
May 22nd 2020
Years after the 1987 #HashimpuraMassacre and #MalianaMassacre
Not much has changed for the survivors and the relatives of the people killed. The wounds are still fresh, the quest for justice is still an ongoing ordeal and they no more trust men in #khakis
Hajra Bi said Our children had come back after Friday prayers when PAC climbed our terrace and asked about gunshots(imprints are still there on the walls).One of them was dancing,He mocked me asked if it was Amitabh Bachchan who had fired.They took away my son who never came back
Haneef said, "PAC desperately tried to enter house and then told me to come outside. I was the first one to be arrested. Later other men from the locality also assembled and formed a line. We were told to keep our hands up and were taken to civil lines police
Read 22 tweets

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