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May 20th 2020
Thread: 1. 20/5/20: Refugees peacefully protested in MITA detention centre, Melbourne.
It's indescribable how the Australian government makes our lives miserable.
Our Australian friends, your solidarity keeps us strong.
Love from MITA people.
#Covid19 #GameOver #MITA #Melbourne
2. 20/5/20 Refugees peacefully protested in Kangaroo Point Central Hotel Apartments Refugee Prison. Brisbane.
Australia violates basic human rights.
'I miss my wife and son. They're in community.'
'Separated from my family 17 months. They're in Brisbane.'
7 Years we want justice.
3. 20/5/20: Refugees peacefully protested in The Mantra Bell City Hotel & Refugee Prison, Preston, Melbourne.
2515 days in detention.
Freedom. Set them free.
#MantraHotels #Preston #Melbourne
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