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Sep 15th 2021
It seems from 2013-2016 the @FBI under @Comey was comprised of agents doing their best @Jim_Jordan impression & I think it's healthy as a nation to ask WHY.

Not just with sexual abuse, but with white supremacy, #TargetedIndividuals, mass shooters, religious abuses, EVERYTHING.
#McKaylaMaroney's full transcript:…

If you're a #TargetedIndividual, a #gangstalking victim, if you've been attacked by anything resembling #HavanaSyndrome, or by a sexual predator, the #FBI protecting someone else NOT YOU will resonate.
How many victims can say the same as #McKaylaMaroney?

Going back to #AaronAlexis & #MyronMay how many people took evidence of #abuse & trauma to the @FBI & were ignored? How many reports were doctored or misconstrued so that the #FBI could protect someone else, NOT THE VICTIM?
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