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Apr 29th 2023
O dejeto humano, vagabundo terrorista que mandou microchipar e torturar a própria irmã tem certeza que vai ficar impune. #gangstalking #GlobalTerrorism
Todo verme assassino é covarde! Image
A lista de crimes cometidos por este facínora só aumenta.

Violência contra a mulher
Violência doméstica
Cárcere metafísico
Tráfico humano
Calúnia e difamação
Induzimento ao suicídio/crime contra a vida
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Feb 23rd 2022
They are going into the brains Motor Cortex and eavesdropping on the neural pathways and retrieving readouts of thoughts from the target. Remotely.
#remoteneuralmonitoring #nanodust #nanotechnology #gangstalking #madscientists #5gtechnology
Eavesdropping on Brain Activity Turns Imagined Handwriting to Text. They are well past this technology if they are showing this. #remoteneuralmonitoring #Neuralink #neuroscience #5gwireless #nanotech #biofrequency #DNAbarcoding

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Nov 24th 2021
1/#BishopsStortford #HomelessShelter used as #gangstalking hub by fake Christian in attempt to recruit #stalkers & generate #smears in advance of #TheCelebrityCode bk CONFIRMED BY SOMEONE APPROACHED BY MANAGER-Nazi tattooed neighbour who accosted disabled gf &laughed@her tears ⬇️ Image
2/#BishopsStortford after being the hub of the #NewWorldOrder under #Rhodes #Rothschild and #LordMilner, now has activated a cell to infiltrate local authorities such as the council, with the intent to sabotage my #TheCelebrityCode book exposing their #Nazi affiliations&symbolism Image
3/ #zersetzung #gangstalking victims & #cynics who doubt its existence (esp in #BishopsStortford) shd read "Motives for Mind Control..[which]discusses..the motives..and why it continues."… @threadreaderapp #unroll
#TargetedIndividuals What categories are u? Image
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Nov 9th 2021
1/@threadreaderapp #unroll Since I displayed my art in 08 and was 1st #gangstalked w. #zersetzung we've been attacked by countless entities.Many are detailed in forthcoming whistleblow on #TheCultureIndustry my bk #TheCelebrityCode
Attacks now appear to emanate from local sources
@threadreaderapp 2/ This new Twitter thread will accompany a blog post and addition to #TheCelebrityCode exposing the weaponisation of #charity #council #homelessshelters & other parts of #community infrastucture in apparent order to inflict #zersetzung & support #FourthReich
3/I found out as an underclass outsider I was not allowed to show #traditionallyskilled #contemporaryart which is original, autonomous, &transcendental! Why? ART devalues symbol laden #dumbeddown #KITSCH controlled by the #bankingbloodlines for #moneylaundering & #socialcontrol
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Nov 3rd 2021
1/ #Masterworks is a #parasite 🦠not a #unicorn🦄!

For"democratiz[ing] art" humanity's most impassioned faculty-eternally evolving thus inherently UNSTABLE- must secretly FORCE STABILITY via #totalitarian methods 2 TRANSFORM #CULTURALCAPITAL in2 $ for"all investors"

2/as I took this pic of us painting new fresh art over tired&worn gimmicks of an #artmarket "commodity" we were forwarding the human #aesthetic at the request of building's owner, but simultaneously &unintentionally we were devaluing stock portfolios! Hence #GANGSTALKERS began..
3/ assemble around me in a threatening manner just after #artgallery owner #TonyTaglianetti shouted "it's not up to the building's owner what they have on their walls" and then made a call from across the street..
(@threadreaderapp unroll)
..the #gangstalkers (see pics)then
Read 7 tweets
Sep 15th 2021
It seems from 2013-2016 the @FBI under @Comey was comprised of agents doing their best @Jim_Jordan impression & I think it's healthy as a nation to ask WHY.

Not just with sexual abuse, but with white supremacy, #TargetedIndividuals, mass shooters, religious abuses, EVERYTHING.
#McKaylaMaroney's full transcript:…

If you're a #TargetedIndividual, a #gangstalking victim, if you've been attacked by anything resembling #HavanaSyndrome, or by a sexual predator, the #FBI protecting someone else NOT YOU will resonate.
How many victims can say the same as #McKaylaMaroney?

Going back to #AaronAlexis & #MyronMay how many people took evidence of #abuse & trauma to the @FBI & were ignored? How many reports were doctored or misconstrued so that the #FBI could protect someone else, NOT THE VICTIM?
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