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Jan 12th 2023
Our updated study is published! We evaluated methods for taxonomic profiling and classification with long-read #metagenomic datasets. This included @PacBio and @nanopore data, and was a group effort with @saltyscientist and @ctitusbrown:… 🧵1/8
Top performers include sourmash, @bugseq, and DIAMOND + MEGAN-LR, which displayed overall high precision and solid recall. We recommend trying all of these methods, and each has their own specific advantages. 2/8
Sourmash was magical with HiFi data, having the best precision/recall tradeoff with detection down to 0.001% relative abundance (other methods hit 0.05%). Sourmash works best with highly accurate reads - regardless of read length (!), including @PacBio and @illumina data 🤔. 3/8 Image
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Nov 9th 2022
Have you ever wished to sequence SPECIFIC bacteria but NOT the vast background in #microbiome? Today, we introduce *mEnrich-seq*: #methylation-guided enrichment sequencing of bacterial taxa of interest from microbiome. 4yr project led by @clannabel7!…🧵1/10
#Metagenomic sequencing throughput is largely consumed by abundant microbes while those with relatively lower abundance cannot be sequenced in a cost-effective manner, due to the highly skewed abundance distribution of diverse bacteria and host DNA. 2/10
Although several methods have been developed (pls see Introduction in preprint) to exclude host DNA and/or the highly abundant microbes, there are still key challenges in achieving high enrichment efficiency and differentiating between bacterial taxa w/ very similar genomes. 3/10
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Feb 22nd 2022
Need to identify and analyze each organism in a sample (isolate or polymicrobial)? We built a highly-accurate method to tease apart the organisms in a #metagenomic assembly, enabling organism-specific AMR, abundance estimation, strain-typing & more: 🧵1/7
We show that aligning contigs against a nucleotide reference database enables far more precise classification of assembled sequences, surpassing amino acid alignments. 2/7 Image
For example, on an isolate of Bacillus anthracis, BugSplit identified the organism to species, whereas protein-based tools (MMSeqs2, DIAMOND+MEGAN-LR) identified the organism to genus (Bacillus). 3/7
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Feb 2nd 2022
What is the best method for taxonomic profiling in long-read shotgun #metagenomic datasets? We put several to the test in a new study, using @PacBio #HiFi and @nanopore data!!! Awesome collaboration with @ctitusbrown and @saltyscientist:…. 🧵1/8
Top performers are long read methods including @bugseq and MEGAN-LR (using DIAMOND to NCBI nr), which had very high precision and solid recall (with no filtering necessary!). MMseqs2 and MetaMaps required some filtering to reduce false positives, but they also performed well. 2/8
Using methods designed for short reads (Kraken2, Bracken, Centrifuge) produced LOTS of false positives. This required heavy filtering to improve precision (simultaneously dropping recall), but they also produced inaccurate abundance estimates. 3/8
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Feb 26th 2019
This team successfully identified key factors driving a complex multifactorial disease tied to persistent #infection! (necrotizing colitis)👉 They used a combo of genome-resolved #metagenomics + machine learning approaches to identify #microbial features predictive of the illness
Features considered included genes, #bacterial strain types, eukaryotes, bacteriophages, plasmids + growth rates 👉 ...which allowed the team to “uncover #biomarkers that could lead to early detection of necrotizing enterocolitis and targets for #microbiome-based therapeutics.” ImageImage
Important consideration from study👉 “Bioinformatics techniques can also infer in situ bacterial replication rates directly from #metagenomic data, an important metric, as some #microbiome-related diseases have a signal related to bacterial replication but not relative abundance”
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