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Jan 26th 2022
🔴 LIVE: @DIAL_Kate is kicking off her keynote at the 2022 @ICT4DConference!
How the #DigitalDevelopment community thinks about sharing #information, #resources, and #data and partners to advance #DigitalTransformation will be key to creating #impact from our efforts and ensuring country #governments can replicate them to better serve their #citizens.
DIAL thinks about #partnerships in everything it does—in fact, were founded in 2015 by a partnership of #global #donors seeking to connect incredibly promising #DigitalDevelopment efforts that had failed to achieve #scale.
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Nov 3rd 2021
Lovely! I suggest extending to all national diplomats in other ministries of foreign affairs of EU MS! There is no more important foreign policy issue for us to debate in EU than the proper scope of our various national interests. #EEAS/#CFSP not occur in a vacuum.@SanninoEU 1/1
It has to take account of what other #Ministries are doing now & consider inevitable intertie. Even more, it will be good to launch #Erasmus for #diplomacy...setting up basis for a true #EU foreign policy! After all #EU has so many diplomatic cultures @TimmermansEU @josepborrell
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