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Oct 29th 2020
Akbar is not just the greatest among all the Mughals, but also one of the greatest the world has seen. How did he come to know as such a great ruler?
Firstly, Akbar was known to be great, because he took care of his people well. Before him, most rulers cared only about themselves and kept collecting taxes more and more.
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Oct 23rd 2020
Babur: Foundation of Mughal Empire #Babur #Mughalempire #Mughal #Mughalemperor
Babur had just ascended the throne of Fergana in eastern Uzbekistan. However, his uncle plotted to take away the throne from him. He waged a war against Babur which ultimately Babur lost. He was then exiled to Afghanistan. There Babur managed to find some followers.
Along with them, he then started to figure out ways to capture his throne back.

Babur then came across an opportunity that was even better than his throne.
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Sep 17th 2018
#Gyanvapi Mosque was built by the #MughalEmperor Aurangzeb in 1669 after destroying a Hindu temple.The remnants of the Hindu temple can be seen on the walls of the mosque.

📷 Gyanvapi, the original holy well between the temple and mosque.

#HistoryEncyclopedia #हिंदू_विरासत ImageImage
Legends mentioned by the Hindu priests state that lingam of original temple was hidden in this well, when temple was destroyed.

During British period, the #GyanVapi well was a regular destination on the Hindu pilgrimage routes in the city.

#HistoryEncyclopedia #हिंदू_विरासत
Reginald Heber, who visited the site in 1824, mentioned that the water of the #GyanVapi — brought by a subterraneous channel of the Ganges — was considered holier than the Ganges itself by the Hindus.

#HistoryEncyclopedia #हिंदू_विरासत
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