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Today the NM House tax committee begins considering an omnibus tax bill. To the surprise of many, the draft includes an alcohol tax increase—but not a meaningful one. Advocates had asked for a flat quarter-per-drink tax; the draft language offers little more than a penny. #nmleg
In historical context, inflation continually erodes alcohol taxes' real value & the draft increase would not come close to returning beer and wine to the levels they were taxed in '94. Liquor—hiked the smallest amount—would only make up for ground lost to inflation *since 2021*.
Sponsor @rjferrary53, who'd negotiated with opponents, attributed the tiny increase to an error in drafting. She said it was meant to be 15¢ *per drink* of alcohol regardless of type. The draft increases taxes 15¢ *per gallon* of beer and *per liter* of wine and spirits.
Read 24 tweets
Show me the reason without telling me the reason why NM Elections are corrupt.
@Bannons_WarRoom @KariLakeWarRoom @Jim_Jordan @realannapaulina @AudreyT4NMSOS @MelindaAnnRive
Full story Pt 1:…
Ivy Soto pined about his title: Most corrupt NM Senator at SB180
If pay to play is the name of #NMPOL, the Ivy Soto is a master. Red-handed conflicts of interest, but guaranteed donations to Democrats guarantee his place to never get investigated.
Pt 2… Misleading the public with his faux "Non-profit" Vandalay, Soto is guaranteed a gravy train for those dems who will push his agenda - starting in 2014, when Dom*nion was first implemented in NM. Not kidding!
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New study shows small number of defendants charged with second crime while awaiting trial… via @NMreport The evidence of the effectiveness of these measures does not support the idea that Democrats have solved anything. Well, maybe, they pleased themselves
Yesterday we had an active shooter at a local high school. Same time frame we have Eubank and Montgomery block by police crime scene investigators. Academia certainly produces studies. These studies do not bring down the crime statistics. #nmpol I am not opposed to studies.
I am opposed to failure of studies to point to solutions that do not solve. This study simply provided information about the size of the population committing multiple crimes in a very confined timeframe. Not exactly an answer. @MayorKeller Mimi Stewart, Peter Worth,
Read 6 tweets
VICTORY IN NEW MEXICO! @GovMLG just issued an executive order to help implement the state’s Extreme Risk Firearm Protection Order Act, which authorizes law enforcement to petition courts to temporarily remove guns from people who pose a risk to themselves or others. #nmpol
The executive action follows the deadly shootings of multiple members of the Albuquerque Muslim community.

New Mexico has only filed 7 petitions since the EEPO law passed in 2019. Of the states with red flag Laws, New Mexico has the second lowest rate of implementation. #nmpol
The executive order creates an Extreme Risk Task Force charged with creating training materials for state and local officials on filing petitions, training materials for school officials, behavioral health providers, and suicide hotline or other crisis treatment providers. #nmpol
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ABQ Police sent an entire SWAT team to "resolve" a warrant for someone accused of violating parole. During that event, a teenager died from the smoke from a fire started by SWAT. AND, the destroyed home has left a family homeless.
#NMpol 1/
Actually, we know why...
We couldn't possibly say it any better than Elizabeth did here in this interview. Please watch:
"They didn't send a family member, they didn't send a friend, they didn't send a chaplain, they didn't send a pastor, they didn't send an elder; they didn't send someone comfortable to make them come out."
When force is the only tool available it's the only tool used. 3/
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As if the state government has not done enough. Email I got this morning: "Next month, on July 1, 2022, the NM Paid Sick Leave Law will take effect. The Healthy Workplaces Act of 2021 requires all private employers, no matter the size, to pay sick leave to all employees.
This includes all employees: full-time, part-time, tipped, temporary and seasonal. Independent contractors are not included as they are not employees. Below are key highlights of the law:
· Employees will earn 1 hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked, up to a total of 64
hours per year.
· Current employees will begin earning sick leave July 1, 2022.
· New hires will begin earning sick leave upon hire date.
· Earned but unused sick leave will carry over from year to year - it does not expire. The employer may cap the annual carry over to a
Read 12 tweets
Thank you for the NO vote from members of the NM House of Representatives who did not support SB14, titled "ENACTING THE CLEAN FUEL STANDARD ACT." The body understands a better way to recognize & embrace bottom-up innovations protecting our vulnerable populations. #nmpol
This bill would have required “clean” transportation fuels, setting standards of 20 percent cleaner by 2030 and 30 percent by 2040.
It would have provided cronyist incentives for fuels, such as ethanol, biodiesel, low-carbon hydrogen, renewable natural gas, and renewable electricity for electric vehicles.
Read 6 tweets
So get this. The R's were told "Support SB 6 and you will not get SB 8." Well, how about neither of them? SB 144 is... yes... wait for it... Worse. It removes the perjury statement from absentee ballots.
New Mexico is set to STOP all voter fraud on absentee ballots because the definition changes. Think about this. What is the basis for a charge on absentee ballots? It's the perjury statement. If there is no perjury statement, there cannot be a charge.
So much for all the arguments from Senator Pirtle, Rep. Nibert and Senator Diamond. All out the window. Daniel Ivey-Soto moves all this stuff around. D's get everything they want. Do the R's actually force a serious discussion? No. Not a serious one.
Read 8 tweets
House Republicans present transformative education plans. Read More ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #nmpol #nmleg…
2/ “There is no baseline, positive nor negative, for what is going on in our schools and we are ultimately failing the next generation,” said @LeaderTownsend #nmpol #nmleg
3/ @LeaderTownsend: “Decades of status quo educational policies have created an environment in which many New Mexicans are fearful of the future for our students post-graduation." #nmpol #nmleg
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to trash Poll Challengers, we do NOT have to sponsor the bill. Period. 2) Call your State Senator today and ask them to OPPOSE SB 6. There are way too many bad parts to this bill.

I had a discussion with Sen. Brandt about 2 weeks ago to ADDING Signature Verification to any
election integrity bill. This action would force a discussion about WHO is actually voting. After all is said and done, isn’t that the crux of the matter? New Mexico Election Integrity Project wants every qualified elector to be able to cast their ballot and have it counted.
No one else. A qualified elector is who the legislature wants to vote.

SB 6 has Republican sponsors. Sen. Ivey-Soto has coopted three more Republicans. Diamond, Lane and Nibert. Removing challengers from the process is a major step AWAY from transparency. And these three
Read 24 tweets
1/ Biden announced today additional emission regulations, and @govmlg took the opportunity to cheer on bigger government while announcing her plans to increase the gasoline tax on YOU. #nmpol #nmleg
2/ @LeaderTownsend: “@govmlg is so desperate to please her donors and DC friends, that she is willing to sell out New Mexicans for her version of the Green New Deal- this coming from a politician that reportedly turned down a cabinet position with Biden’s Interior Department..."
3/ @LeaderTownsend: "@govmlg’s administration is defined by selling out New Mexicans to the highest bidder- she lobbied for and was ultimately turned down for the Health cabinet secretary in DC..."
Read 6 tweets
BREAKING: @speakeregolf dissolves important hispanic Land Grant committee in spat with Democrat lawmaker. #nmpol #nmleg Image
2/ Rep. Montoya: “It is a travesty that we are seeing play out exactly what so many Hispanic lawmakers, from both sides of the aisle, echoed in the Roundhouse this week..." #nmpol #nmleg
3/ Rep. Montoya "if you are a Hispanic and do not conform to so-called progressivism, you are not the right type of Hispanic and are no longer useful. Once again, we are witnessing the diminishing returns progressive democrats are finding in Hispanic voting groups." @nmpol #nmleg
Read 5 tweets
Mr. Jennings, I read your work often. I missed the fact that Brenner was issued a Cease and Desist Order from the company doing the training. Important facts left out of this story. Happy to hear you spent an hour on Critical Race Theory in Rio Rancho. The district has spent
much more time than that. Here are few more questions to ask: 1) Let's assume that CRT is not being taught. Why is there training material for teachers being kept from the public? What are they actually trying to hide? It would seem that a Cease and Desist Order would be the
reason you could not see the evidence Brenner discussed. 2) What is the point of Gary Trip providing cover to the school administration in/ an Op/Ed? 3) Why are proponents of CRT telling people that the theory is malleable? They have changed the name of the programs.
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So this is a response from @benraylujan's Office regarding education. (Note this is on "Education".)_______
Dear Mr. Hathorne,
Thank you for contacting my Washington, D.C. office. Keeping in contact with my constituents is very important to me, and I appreciate the
opportunity to engage with you on such an important topic.
The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is charged with ensuring equal access to education through the enforcement of civil rights protections in our nation’s schools. It is essential that we have strong
leadership at the Department of Education to guarantee that every student has access to the quality education they deserve and to protect them from discrimination while at school. The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is charged with ensuring equal access to
Read 12 tweets

The city clerk has granted @MannyForABQ a "due process" hearing. The clerk will present the allegations and evidence.

Manny has already seen the evidence. Multiple articles were written about his response.


Manny can deny the allegations, but his attorney already admitted that some of the signatures were forged.

"Gonzalez's lawyer admitted that some signatures appear to be forged" (KOAT)…

Whatever your feelings are about the severity of the campaign rule violations themselves, the attorney admitted guilt, and the city clerk is thus not in a position to reverse his original decision.

For one, he has an admission of guilty.
Read 10 tweets
1/ Today ABQ Rep. @BillRehmNM issued the following statement regarding the four officers shot in Albuquerque and the ongoing crime crisis plaguing the metro area: #nmpol #nmleg
2/ @BillRehmNM: “Here we are, eight months into 2021, and our community is still being rocked by almost daily senseless tragedies with Albuquerque setting a new murder record...” #nmpol #nmleg
3/ @BillRehmNM "The people of this city need to make their voices heard—‘enough is enough.’ We do not need social media posts or meetings about crime- we need real leadership and support for our criminal justice system that finally holds criminals accountable for their actions."
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BREAKING: House GOP and @NMSenateGOP call on Biden and Haaland to oppose a shutdown of the NM energy industry. 24 "progressive" politicians recently asked Biden to cut the majority of NM school funding with his destructive pause on O&G leases. #nmpol #nmleg
/2 Here is the letter from both House and Senate GOP caucuses (signatures cont on two more pages):
/3 letter cont.
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Actually, Wasserman called it earlier.
Now it's jut to see what the margin looks like.

2020: D+19.4
2018: D+22.6
2016: D+30.3
2014: D+17.2
2012: D+18.3
2010: D+7.8
2008: D+11.3
2006: R+0.4
2004: R+8.9

Read 9 tweets
Election results will go up here after 7 pm:…

Also here, just for Bernalillo County (will be >90% of total votes): #nmpol
Polls closed at 7, and I am currently incessantly refreshing results pages.
First results are from the tiny sliver of Santa Fe County that is in #nm01:
Moores: 540
Stansbury: 342
Dunn: 43
Manning: 6
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New Mexico Gov. signs legislation to create a 7-member committee for redistricting.

The seven-member committee, according to a press release by @NMHouseDems will be made up of no more then three members of the same political party. #nmpol #nmleg
Members will hold public hearings to create new district maps based on 2020 census data.

Committee will propose three district maps to be voted on during a special session on redistricting later this year. #nmleg #nmpol
Committee will be tasked with drawing new U.S. House districts as well as districts for New Mexico House and Senate seats and the Public Education Commission. #nmleg #nmpol
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#nmpol. Urgent problem has developed over election integrity issues. SB 48 just came out of Senate Judiciary with a Do Pass with amendments. It is a bad bill. R's caused this problem last special session and now they are making the mistake permanent.
Ok. The time has come. SB 48 went from 23 pages to a new bill with... wait for it... 146 pages now called SB 454. It codifies portions of the SB 04. Bad bills building on more bad bills. It now cloaks a portion of the election code. Really. Call ALL the Senators now.
Tell them to VOTE AGAINST SB 454. Cloaking devices? In the election code? Uh...yeah. How about clear language guaranteeing transparency? Umm....not here. What about the needs to make decisions at the lowest possible level? Ummm...nope. This bill puts more power
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ICYMI: @GovMLG's spending spree with your tax dollars is even worse than we thought! The NM Auditor has opened an investigation into the misuse of public dollars. #nmpol #nmleg…
Last night @LeaderTownsend called on #nmleg to reopen schools and let #ThePeople live, just as @GovMLG has been living while spending thousands from discretionary fund while YOU were told to isolate. #NMPOL
House GOP Leadership today called on @GovMLG to do the right thing and release her mansion visitor logs from March 15, 2020 to present. NM families were told to skip Easter, Thanksgiving & Christmas, and a public official should be held accountable to her own freedom restrictions
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HAPPENING NOW: HB 291, NM Tax Changes, is up for debate. We just heard from @JasonHarperNM, questioning the sponsor. He outlined several issues and pointed out that these proposed changes will burden NM small businesses already struggling. #nmpol #nmleg…
HB 291, NM Tax Changes, sponsor now talking about economic fallout one year ago with COVID. Democrats spent down reserves and the $2 billion surpluses before the crisis. House GOP called for responsible spending and shoring up reserves for two years before crisis. #nmpol #nmleg
Rep. Small lamenting the special session in June 2020, when lawmakers were forced to return to balance Democrats overspent budget for NM government. #nmpol #nmleg
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New Mexico governor spent thousands in taxypayer money on groceries, liquor, and dry cleaning: Report. Didn't Diana Duran go to jail for a month for behavior just like this? Wasn't it about this same amount of money? @HectorBalderas @pgessing #nmpol…
@koat7news @KOB4 @krqe Seems like there is a much bigger news story here. Why would @HectorBalderas prosecute Diana Duran for about $14k in misuse of donor and NOT prosecute @GovMLG for misuse of taxpayer money of about $13,500? Is it because of the source of the money?
Perhaps it's ok to misuse taxpayer money, but not donor money. Wait. No. It must be the $500 difference. At $13,500 you're ok, but at $14,000 you're over the line. Mmmm. Wait. Maybe it's because @GovMLG is the governor and Diana Duran was only the Secretary of State. Yeah.
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