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Nov 4th 2022
"The 21st Century Question: Emergently Engineering the Future"

Follow this 🧵 today and tomorrow for highlights from our 2022 #AppliedComplexity Network and Board of Trustees Symposium:…

#Web3 #Cities #Polarization #EmergentEngineering #Decentralization
We start with a talk by SFI President David Krakauer:

"Would anyone care to guess why we're so GOOD at building transistors and so CRAP at designing drugs?"

"This thing [points to transistor] lives in a centralized system. This thing [points to cancer drug] lives in US."
"I'm going to pick on economics, because we like to do that at SFI. 'Ooh, look at that cover! So techy. Global, heat maps...' But here's 'Networks' [in the textbook]. THAT'S IT. Here's '#ComplexityEconomics.' NOTHING."
Read 111 tweets
May 24th 2022
In a post last week, @ATabarrok suggests we think of misinformation as an equilibrium outcome. In Ch 8 of Hidden Games, we do. Here's a short rundown.

Warning: for the sake of brevity, I'm using econ jargon.… Image
@ATabarrok's post focuses on outright lies, and on the role of behavioral biases (e.g., inattention) in permitting them to proliferate.

We focus on a different type of misinformation, that's arguably more common and pernicious: distorted presentation of information
We consider how people will (mis-)use evidence in the service of persuading others.

What evidence will they show? How will others interpret this evidence?
Read 9 tweets

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