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Aug 13th 2021
#BombayHighCourt bench of Chief Justice Dipankar Datta and Justice Girish Kulkarni to shortly hear petitions filed by @TheLeaflet_in & @waglenikhil challenging #NewITRules2021 arguing the same are an assault on #FreeSpeech. Union govt to respond today if the laws can be stayed.
Additional Solicitor General Anil Singh would make submissions opposing the temporary stay.

ASG: The new rules are beyond the parent statute. Nothing in IT act that regulates content on online platforms. Only section 69A provides for blocking of content. #NewITRules
ASG: These were the grounds urged before this court by the petitioners. My submission is as on today there is no urgency to stay the rules. No adverse action is taken against the petitioners herein. It is their own case that they have complied with the new rules.
Read 48 tweets
Aug 10th 2021
#BombayHighCourt bench of Chief Justice Dipankar Datta and Justice Girish Kulkarni to hear petitions challenging #NewITRules. The pleas filed by @TheLeaflet_in & @waglenikhil claim the new rules are an assault on free speech.
Yesterday, the judges heard senior counsel Darius Khambatta for #Leaflet and adv Abhay Nevagi for #NikhilWagle

Now ASG Anil Singh will argue for Union govt.

ASG: Before getting into the merits of the case, I would like to point out that multiple petitions were filed against the Union govt seeking regulation of online platforms. Some pleas were before the #DelhiHighCourt however an SLP was filed in #SupremeCourt
Read 16 tweets

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