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May 11th 2023
Hausa traditional architecture is a rich and vibrant form of architectural expression found in the Hausa-speaking regions of West Africa. Here are ten important things to know about Hausa traditional architecture: Image
1. Cultural Significance: Hausa traditional architecture reflects the cultural identity and values of the Hausa people. It embodies their history, traditions, social structure, and religious beliefs. Image
2. Mud and Earth Construction: Hausa architecture predominantly employs locally available materials such as mud, earth, and thatch. These materials are used to construct walls, roofs, and other structural elements. Image
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Jan 9th 2022
As no reply had been received to the letter which had been Sokoto (saying that we had no desire to fight and inviting him to come to terms), a 2nd was sent in the same sense & to this an evasive answer was received. @CitizenPeper @EmekaOkoye
The force then advanced to Shagali &..effected a junction w/ Capt Merrick troop (abt 200),who had been in occupation in Argungu for several mths, acting 1st as escort to French convoys traversing the British sphere under intl arrangement & later as escort to Boundary Commission
Thus reinforced, the column, numbering 656 rank & file, 1,100 carriers & 25 officers, 2 guns and 4 maxims, advanced on Sokoto,where contrary to expectation, were opposed by a force estimated at 1.500 horse & 3,000 foot.
Read 14 tweets
Nov 7th 2020

Lost Childhood: The Trauma of growing up in Nigerian IDP camps

Read here:

@NigeriaGov #LostChildhood
Fourteen-year-old Samaila Abdulrahman arrived Malkhoi Camp in 2014 tucked by the side of his aged grandmother, both saddled with all their worldly belongings after a journey of 30 kilometres from Gwoza, Borno to Yola, Adamawa State. @ProfZulum
The teenager had just witnessed the death of his father who tried to flee from Boko Haram dressed as a woman. Provoked by his audacity to outsmart them with a feminine camouflage, he was killed. #LostChildhood #NorthernNigeria
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Jul 1st 2019
Some ppl are asking me why I say @GarShehu's statement of yesterday on #Nigeria's #RUGAmania was an artifice. All u need to do is take a copy of the National Livestock Transformation Plan, #NLTP & u'll not struggle to find out why. Here's an intro to what the Plan is about....
There are various categories of ppl involved in the #RUGAMania conversation. There're those who:
(a) won't do their home work
(b) can't do their home work
(c) cldn't be bothered abt home work
(d) are allergic to facts
(e) are genuinely curious.
Only the last deserve attention.
The #NLTP development process was long, careful & rigorous. It involved zonal level consultations, a national conference, a scientific report, a mapping process & selection of the 7 frontline states - Adamawa, Benue, Kaduna, Nasarawa, Plateau, Taraba, & Zamfara.
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