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Jan 8th 2023
For those outside Brazil, it’s difficult to imagine the significance of Lula’s victory & Bolsonaro’s defeat. This was not a “normal” election between candidates who diverge ideologically in a “normal” democracy, but a battle for democracy & for the soul of the country (1/) Image
It’s useful to know Brazil was caught right in the middle of the Cold War and the fight against “communism”. In 1960, João Goulart (pic) was elected on a progressive platform, which made the US exceedingly nervous. In 1964, with the help of the CIA there’s a military coup (2). Image
Along with (later) dictatorships in Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina & Chile, Brazil went through a period of harsh dictatorship with accompanying lack of accountability, rampant corruption and desperately unimaginative & brutal rule. This ended in 1986 after much protest. (3) ImageImageImage
Read 23 tweets
Oct 10th 2018
#Brazil: A 19-year-old woman wearing a #NotHim, or #EleNão, T-shirt has been attacked by a group of men claiming to support far-right-wing presidential candidate #JairBolsonaro in #PortoAlegre… #nonazis #Antifa
Neo-Fascism rises in Brazil!
"The police chief told Radio GuaĂ­ba that the symbol on the girl's belly is Buddhist religion and not the Nazi swastika."
Today, several reports of fascist attacks by groups of men claiming to support the far-right presidential candidate #JairBolsonaro. Even two sisters holding hands in the street were cursed as lesbians and threatened with death.
Read 6 tweets

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