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May 10th 2020
1/20 unfinished thoughts...#online Church has been dismissed for years: a ‘last resort’, a ‘pale imitation’, ‘only just better than nothing’ are 3 verdicts I've heard. Some say how much they #mourn the loss of meeting in church buildings. It's a heavy loss, a significant sorrow.
2/20 But, as with many who #grieve, in our sorrow we must be careful not to #wound others, as #mainstream #church struggles to inhabit what has been the lived, continuous (sometimes total) experience of #disabled #christians, Christians with #mentalhealth struggles...
3/20 ...Christians who are #carers for those who can't #access #Church as we knew it & Christians who work shifts. In our thrashing about in this new arena, we should be careful not to push out those whose #spiritual #home this has been for a long time...
Read 20 tweets
Nov 29th 2019
Da comienzo la jornada #agitalasRRSS con la mesa inaugural
Y aquí lo que nos espera #agitalasRRSS en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca.
Aquí @chuchencio el "agitador" de #agitalasRRSS presentando y dando comienzo a la jornada!!!
Read 37 tweets

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