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Aug 19th 2018
#KeralaFloods might hv an astral connection, as it is believed #Kerala d land of #vamana celebrates every yr #Onam around this time, Onam falls on d birth #constellation of vamana i.e #Shravana nakshtra in which we had d longest total lunar eclipse of this century on 27/28 July
Like at a personal level for one who is born or associated with shravana constellation or Nakshtra d #Eclipse affects individually similarly it affects a region in this case #kerala at a mundane level astrally on human affairs that runs across d southern belt of #westernghats
Also #Kerala is a land blessed by d #serpents & d reason for its fertility is directly related to d blessings bestowed by #Nagas on #Parasurama in a barren land infested with sea salt, hence not respecting d blessings by cutting down forests on large scale in d name of developmnt
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