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Aug 21st 2018
Implement Gadgil panel report: BJP (2013)… | BJP State unit president V. Muraleedharan has said that his party wanted the Madhav Gadgil committee report on Western Ghats conservation to be implemented instead of the K. Kasturirangan report
‘The protests over the Centre’s move to implement the Kasturirangan report are politically motivated. They are being orchestrated to disrupt the Sabrimala pilgrimage.’
Blood will spill, warns Catholic Bishop (2013)… | Mar Remegiose Inchananiyil, Bishop of the Thamarassery Diocese of the Catholic Church in northern Kerala warned the Central and State Governments on Thursday that “blood will spill”
Read 22 tweets
Aug 19th 2018
#KeralaFloods might hv an astral connection, as it is believed #Kerala d land of #vamana celebrates every yr #Onam around this time, Onam falls on d birth #constellation of vamana i.e #Shravana nakshtra in which we had d longest total lunar eclipse of this century on 27/28 July
Like at a personal level for one who is born or associated with shravana constellation or Nakshtra d #Eclipse affects individually similarly it affects a region in this case #kerala at a mundane level astrally on human affairs that runs across d southern belt of #westernghats
Also #Kerala is a land blessed by d #serpents & d reason for its fertility is directly related to d blessings bestowed by #Nagas on #Parasurama in a barren land infested with sea salt, hence not respecting d blessings by cutting down forests on large scale in d name of developmnt
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