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Dec 4th 2021
Hi All - the last @ArizonaIRC public hearings about to start in Maryvale and Tucson. I will be looking to see if the liars and cheats associated w/ @SALCLeaders will double down and be out in force - or do they step back after having their lies exposed?
In Maryvale, how many speakers will note if they are "paid" or not - after @ErikaNeuberg's tone deaf statement yesterday?
As an aside - busses may have been used in some communities to attend hearings because hearings were held in unaccessible locations -
off of public transportation routes. I wonder if that constitutes "being paid".
Read 187 tweets
Oct 22nd 2021
I've been analyzing election fraud evidence since the #2020election. A picture of how election was stolen is becoming abundantly clear upon review of this evidence. I wanted to share this picture in an unscripted video accessible via link below. #ProveIt…
In addition to this unscripted video, I am now in process of producing a documentary #WasAmericaHijacked that presents this information in a more digestible fashion. This documentary will be accompanied by links to the evidence cited in the documentary for your reference.
In the meantime, you are welcome to read and share a vast amount of election fraud evidence already posted on my website.

Thank you to all of my fellow "Meddling Kids" who have made this picture of how the election was stolen possible!
Read 3 tweets
Sep 12th 2019
Is #ROI a fallacy of AEC tech? For example - Can someone point me to a well-researched study with documented data collection and calculation methods and data excerpts that shows return on investment related to #BIM tech adoption in #AEC as an industry?
The top search result on Google is an @autodesk white paper where #ROI of #BIM is framed through a "customer perception study" - so it's valuable if customers think they're getting value? Not a single dollar figure is cited in this paper. Laughable.…
More results are case-study driven and not easily extrapolated to indicate a larger #ROI rule or trend (imo) - note in this 2011 example that they frame it as "potential savings". Also note that #BIM and "pre-BIM" are not fully defined or qualified…
Read 4 tweets
Jul 24th 2019

🚨Tomorrow (WEDNESDAY, JULY 24)

🚨Subcommittee Hearing

🚨Oversight of the Unaccompanied Children Program:

🚨Ensuring the Safety of Children in HHS Care

☀️9AM EST in Washington, DC.


@ifindkarma @DemocracyStorm @porpentina2017 @TheSWPrincess @CaptainResists @Norberta36 @Rosa_DeLauro @ProudResister @_si_se_puede @TheLoyalO New information I've gleaned so far from this hearing on ORR comes from Chair of the Subcommittee, @Rosa_DeLauro, who's visited Homestead several times. She says they have only FIVE certified teachers. FOUR physicians. ZERO psychiatrists.

For now 1300--was 2300--children.
@ifindkarma @DemocracyStorm @porpentina2017 @TheSWPrincess @CaptainResists @Norberta36 @Rosa_DeLauro @ProudResister @_si_se_puede @TheLoyalO .@rosadelauro asks the extremely important question: there were children in Homestead for 45, 50, 60 days who had family in the States, but were languishing, and then, suddenly, in a two week period, 1000+ children were released. Why not before?…
Read 80 tweets

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