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Jan 2nd 2023
2022 Archives: War, Layoffs, Meltdowns & Famous Deaths.

1/4 - $SPX hit ATH to $4818.62 & $AAPL hit ATH to $182.94

1/6 - $HUM crashed 22%
1/16 - World No. 1 tennis champion Novak Djokovic is deported from Australia following a high-profile legal case regarding his COVID-19 vaccination status, preventing his participation in the 2022 Australian Open.
1/18 - Microsoft will acquire Activision Blizzard for $95.00 per share, in an all-cash transaction valued at $68.7 billion, inclusive of Activision Blizzard’s net cash. $ATVI spiked 33%.
Read 150 tweets
May 20th 2022
Adding my voice to the "breastmilk isn't free" conversation around the formula crisis we're suffering in case my story is at all helpful to others. #breastfeeding #pumping #formulafeeding 1/🧵
My child was born prematurely in January and spent his first three weeks in the NICU. Premature babies and NICU babies frequently have difficulty latching, and my child is no exception. 15 weeks postpartum and I have never been able to get him to latch without a nipple shield. 2/
Thus I have become an "exclusive pumper." This was not the plan, I was excited about bonding with my baby through nursing. But that quickly became impossible. I was diagnosed with preeclampsia with severe features, and had a traumatic labor and delivery. 3/
Read 18 tweets
Apr 24th 2018
Almost every day for the last month or so, I've pumped at work. Not in the basement pump room that's like a 10 minute walk to get to, or hiding out in the bathroom armchair, but AT WORK. In lab. On my microscope. At my desk. Around other humans. This is a #momlife thread 1/
I've pumped while taking care of fruit flies. While doing microdissections. While standing in the sandwich line at the cafeteria. Walking down the hallway. In the elevator. Walking home. ON THE EFFING SUBWAY. I even pumped in class a couple of times 2/
This is because @Freemie finally brought pumping into the twenty - first century with the #freemieliberty. There's a wearable technology for every sport under the sun, and now, finally, for pumping too. 3/
Read 15 tweets

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