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Apr 3rd 2023
The #RESTRICT Act is something currently in legislation that will affect those of us in the US and is something that I am not seeing talked about enough. Below are some thoughts and reading materials regarding what is also known as S686 👇
⚠️ Disclaimer: the following are just my thoughts regarding this bill and for educational purposes, always DYOR; S686 is a bit too broad in its wording for my personal comfort. In a perfect world the bill serves a noble purpose, however, we do not live in that world.
If you are aware of the US Patriot Act, then you can think of this as the USPA2.0 – for the digital age. What this means is that the US government will be surveilling the use of “information communications technology” (social media) in the name of national security.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
#TAX! Here's Davos' #WorldEconomicForum again, suggesting that we should tax meat eaters... 'like smokers' ?!?! What a #GreatReset that'll be! 😬…
The idea is also spread by C. Figueres, a main driving force behind the Paris climate agreement & member of the Board of.... #WRI 🤔 The meat tax idea is further amplified by #EAT member Springmann who wrote a specific study on it:…… Image
A #GreenNewDeal-linked plan of New York’s (#NYC) City Council (& mayor Bill #deBlasio) to halve the red meat supply in municipal buildings & phase out processed meats in schools & hospitals by 2030.

Ehrr... what about the future of New-York hot dogs? 🤔… Image
Read 18 tweets

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