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Mar 10th 2021
I was talking to this person who said something that made me uncomfortable. The kind of thing that is best to think in your head instead of saying out loud.

Wait. I take that back.

I'm glad they said it out loud. Because sometimes it's good to know how people feel.

Them: "If I see one more article or hear 1 more presentation or podcast on anything related to racism or diversity, I'm going to pluck out my eyeballs."

They laughed when they said that. And me, who felt sort of ambushed by hearing this statement spoken out loud, just froze.
Them: "Every journal. Every conference. Like, give me a break."
Me: *squinting* "Uuuuhhh. . . "
Them: "But come on. . .you have to admit that it's seriously out of control."

I still didn't know what to say.

I awkwardly stared and shrugged. As they continued to talk.
Read 16 tweets
Aug 3rd 2020
So excited for the #NtlMtg20 to kick-off!!!

Ready to hear from @NASPADavid, Aimee, Courtney & so many other amazing people in our field!
Really awesome that @hecaod has Closed Captioning & an ASL interpreter on screen! #NtlMtg20 Image
And it's a GREAT time to say Happy 5th Year Anniversary to @hecaod!!! #NtlMtg20
Read 75 tweets
Feb 14th 2019
"Race matters in higher education." - Lorelle L. Espinosa (VP for Research at ACE) #EquityMatters

Pretty good way to get the morning started! Image
Key Finding #1: Our populace is becoming more educated, as well as more racially and ethnically diverse -- driven largely in part by an increase of Hispanic students. #EquityMatters Image
Unsurprisingly, Black students have higher debt loads and have a lower completion rate for credentials. #EquityMatters ImageImage
Read 40 tweets

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