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Nov 26th 2020
@Sifill_LDF 1. It is appalling that in the middle of a #Pandemic 5 supposedly well educated members of #SCOTUS made this decision! What I find equally appalling if not more is that representatives from #HousesOfWorship brought this case before #SCOTUS! After centuries of our ancestors....
@Sifill_LDF 2. being terrorized by the #PortugueseInquisition & then by the #SalazarDictatorship my parents stopped going to church when we came here. So I wasn't given a #ReligiousEducation. But somewhere along the way I've gotten the idea that those in charge at the #HousesOfWorship...
@Sifill_LDF 3. are suppose to protect their flocks! How can having a packed #ReligiousService be anything but a #COVID #SuperspreaderEvent? So much for protecting the #Flock!
#SCOTUS @USSupremeCourt @BrooklynDiocese
Alternative to attending #HousesOfWorship:…
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