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Oct 11th 2021
The Texas House #Redistricting Committee is considering proposed maps for the TX Senate & @TXSBOE, #SB4 & #SB7 respectively, at 9AM.

Watch here:

SB4 (PLANS2168) viewer:…
SB7 (PLANE2106) viewer:…
#txlege #txed
Committee Amendment #1 for the proposed Senate Map (#SB4) by @ChrisGTurner is PLANS2171 (left) affecting 6 districts. Compare that w/the Senate engrossed version under consideration (right).
Turner cites SCOTUS ruling in Buffoon Hill case where it says it's a violation of the equal protection clause if w/out sufficient justification, communities are split up on the basis of race. References #SD23. #SB4 #txlege
Read 13 tweets
Sep 14th 2018
FIRST RESULT: Julia Salazar, who was backed by DSA, wins against state Sen. Martin Dilan. It wasn't close. (@AP has called it.)
2ND RESULT: Robert Jackson defeats state Sen. Marisol Alcantara in in #SD31. Alcantara was a member of the IDC, which allied with the GOP.

First IDC incumbent to lose a primary tonight (🚨), and likely not the last.
3RD RESULT: state Sen. Diane Savino wins the Dem nomination in #SD23. Savino was a member of the IDC.

First IDC incumbent to *win* a primary tonight. In fact, she's likely to be the IDCer who wins by largest margin.
Read 10 tweets

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