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Sep 6th 2020
Fortunately,#NavidAfkari was not executed this morning, but #Iran's Islamic Regime is going to execute him under false accusation of murdering an #IRGC's Intel Officer named Hossein Torkaman. Torkaman was killed on 2 Aug 2018 while Afkari was in Adel-Abad prison!
#SaveNavidAfkari ImageImage
After #NavidAfkari revealed to media that he had been tortured for months to falsely confess killing Torkaman #IRGC's #TasnimNews agency released a document to refute Navid's claims. But #Tasnim accidentally revealed Navid had been arrested weeks before death of Torkaman! Image
This document which is stamped and signed on 06/04/1396 (27 June 2018) proves that #NavidAfkari was already arrested 5 days before death of Hossein Torkaman on 11/06/1397 (2 August 2018)! So, he had been forced to sign a plain paper which was filled by text days later! Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020

Iran: Detainees flogged, sexually abused and given electric shocks in gruesome post-protest crackdown – new report

-Death sentences issued based on torture-tainted “confessions”

Widespread torture including beatings, floggings, electric shocks, stress positions, mock executions, waterboarding, sexual violence, forced administration of chemical substances, and deprivation of medical care.…
Iran’s police, security, intelligence, prison & judiciary officials committed shocking human rights violations against those detained & linked to nationwide Nov 2019 protests.
-arbitrary detention
-enforced disappearance
-torture & other ill-treatment
Read 10 tweets
Sep 1st 2020

"I’m desperately asking for help from anyone who can hear me," says Navid Afkari' mother.

Navid is sentenced to death & his 2 brothers to 81 years in prison for protesting in Aug 2018.

Please be their voice
"It was proven that I was tortured to confess... not one piece of evidence to prove I was guilty... They didn't want to hear me out... I realized they just wanted a neck to throw their noose around," Navid Afkari says.

“Navid & Vahid Afkari were brutally tortured by the notorious Shiraz Intel Police to make forced confessions,” a source said.
Eyewitness accounts of the torture & beatings included in their dossier were ignored in court.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
Hello @HassanRouhani , could you tell Alireza Avayi who doesn't have Twitter why Kamran Ghaderi is currently in jail if he came for business ? What are the proofs that he's a spy ?

@HassanRouhani Hello, again @HassanRouhani .

Could you tell us the reason why is Hamzeh Darvish jailed ?
Read 14 tweets

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