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Feb 3rd 2023
In May, it will be 2 years since I lost my mother. It feels like it happened yday, but also years ago. For months, I asked the same question as Fleabag: what do I do? What do I do with all the love I have for her? That's when I found SRK's interviews on the loss of his parents.
I don't think any other figure in the public space has spoken so vulnerably on what it really means. The inability to save them, the regrets about having things left unsaid, the craving to hear their voice one last time.
Or the fact that, even years later, it creates a fear of close attachments. A part of us, which remains cracked, anxious, and lonely. On many nights, I've woken up sweating, afraid that if I love someone too much, they'll be snatched away from me. I've cherished solitude.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
#Pathaan + #BharatJodoYatra + #Hindenburg -The war is not lost against hate, tyranny & crony capitalism

Pathaan proves India will not bow down to non-stop slander & hatred. #ShahRukhKhanš“€  taught us how to love cutting across culture, religion, nations. Image
2. šŸ‡®šŸ‡³ has not forgotten the love affair. Thank You šŸ‡®šŸ‡³, for saying ā€˜Enough is Enoughā€™ & for coming out with your loved ones to watch #Pathaan. Thank You India, for thešŸ–•to the Haters! Thank You for not seeing #SRK as your beloved & not through the eyes of religious hatred. Image
3. Thank You India for your nostalgia at KKKKKā€¦.Karen & tears of Joy on why Pathaan was called Pathaan. Thank you India for seeing colors & not getting affronted. You once cheered in joy when Simran ran to catch Rajā€™s hand breaking away from all the chains that bind love. Image
Read 4 tweets
Jan 11th 2023
We are here at #AutoExpo2023! We are expecting a lot of exciting announcements around #ElectricVehicles, SUVs and more. Stay tunedā€¦

@MrAhmedSays | @Nishmanya | @Nandiniwhy | #AutoExpoOnTV9
We are starting with @Maruti_Corp that is about to unveil a new SUV concept, and from what we hear itā€™s all electric!

#AutoExpo2023 | #AutoExpoOnTV9ā€¦
The name of Maruti's all-electric SUV - making its world premiere today is Concept EVX, which is part of Suzuki's global EV strategy and will go on sale by 2025

#AutoExpo2023 | #AutoExpoOnTV9 | #EVX | @Maruti_Corp
Read 33 tweets
Dec 22nd 2022
If #prasoonjoshi_ the head of #CBFC_India who is also very close to PM & takes care of his #GodiMedia as well, along with his team has passed the #PathanMovie and #CBFC the Govttown organization has a very stringent SOPs at place to pass any movie. Then where is the problem?
Movie Once passed the ball of responsibility stops with the CBFC or with the Producers, Directors and the actors? Isnā€™t some sort of publicity stunt agreed upon within the makers and the passers of the movie to give it an undue publicity?
Because do u think #ShahRukhKhanš“€  or #DeepikaPadukon or the whole movie cast n crew who has a very big stakes in the movie is not aware what is going on nowadays & do you think they will release the very first teaser with all the #bhagwaRang & invite problems for themselves?
Read 7 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
A marketplace in the city of Peshawar in modern day Pakistan was vital to both Indian Freedom Struggle and Indian Cinema particularly Hindi Cinema. The Bazaar and its link to the #Badshah of Bollywood #ShahRukhKhanš“€ 
A Thread šŸ§µ
For centuries, Peshawar has been perched at a historical, and geographical crossroads. The city stands near the eastern end of Khyber Pass, and has long been a natural stop for travelers en route to the subcontinent. Kings, invaders, and traders have all passed through Peshawar
In the mid-19th century, Sir Edward Herbert, the British commissioner in Peshawar, described the Qissa Khawani Bazaar as the ā€œPiccadilly of Central Asia.ā€ Travelers paused in the market to drink the local green tea called kehwa and exchange kissas, or stories.
Read 20 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
October 2014, #ShahRukhKhanš“€  came to my college for HNY promotions. A lot of people who weren't really fans but held a higher position in the authorities and the ones that could afford the exorbitantly priced passes had managed to occupy the entire block nearest to the stage.
A lot of fans including the two of us could only manage to stand on the green benches to catch a glimpse of the king from the farthest corner of the campus ground. The man albeit late by an some hours, swept the crowd, fans or otherwise, off their feet with his wit.
But what he said before leaving will always stay with me, he apologized to us, he pointed at the people at the back & said if it was possible he would hug each & everyone of us who were standing on top of the benches, around the trees, in the balcony. A lot of us teared up.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
Everyone hopes to see #ShahRukhKhanš“€  greet his fans this year. Many are already waiting in front of Mannat to celebrate this tradition.
But do you know when it started ? #Thread 1/17
#MannatYatra2k22 #HappyBirthdaySRK #SRKBirthday #SRKBirthdayCDP (video 2009)
After buying his house in 2001, SRK greets his fans at the front door but and another solution must be found. A first fairly narrow platform was built in 2003 or 2004 bcz it already existed in 2005, even if he was in New York
DON was just released #SRKBirthday 2/17
First article found in the press and first photos. Happy and relaxed, SRK will come several times to greet his fans. In the garden no lavish party but a small selection of media for his film OSO which will be released the following week #SRKBirthday 3/17
Read 18 tweets

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