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May 28th 2020
Feels like an opportune moment for an evergreen Police Brutality Thread Alert 🚨... #GeorgeFloyd #BLM #SayHisName #ICantBreatheAGAIN
Circa October 2014: Racism and Darren Wilson Supporters: Not a Coincidence. | via @docrocktex26…
Circa October 2014: "He Reached for My Gun," and Other Fantasies Invoked by Police Who Kill Unarmed Black Men | via @docrocktex26…
Read 49 tweets
Apr 30th 2020
“We’re angry about not being heard, we’re angry about being told that no, y’all are so enthusiastic but we wanna keep trying to chase White people we know aren’t gonna vote with us & set the ticket up for failure.” @docrocktex26 #ExpectUs #SoulOfANation 🔥…
Battle for the White resentment, insurgency, insurrection micropenises, and gun fetishism of a nation:
Battle for the “well-regulated” militias and stockpiles of a nation:
Read 45 tweets
Jan 12th 2020
So today I finally made it to #SoulofaNation, the new show on the 20th c African-American experience, at @deyoungmuseum. It's there through March. Don't miss it!

The first rooms are photos and montages from the early 1960s by Romare Bearden, Norman Lewis, and Ming Smith.
Oddly this show was curated by the Tate Museum in London. But the artists and subjects are all American, with many Bay Area connections. #soulofanation Sun Ra!
A lot of the exhibit addresses the Vietnam war, as the civil rights movement evolves into black power. Topics like the KKK to police violence are just as relevant today as 50 years ago. #soulofanation
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