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Jun 15th 2023
Well done to all involved in #CleanAirDay actions in & around Preston Street Primary this morning 👏👏👏Air pollution notices were handed out before school on behalf of the Parent Council Transport & Environment Committee before school by volunteer campaigers😉#Edinburgh #LEZ Image
These notices highlight the unique position of Preston Street Primary sitting diectly on the boundary of a “Low Emission Zone” which skirts two sides of a primary school building. Step out of the playground at either side of the building and you step directly outside the #LEZ ImageImage
As far as we are aware there are no current plans to extend the LEZ coverage area beyond the current plans. Hopefully this will change when there is #AirPollution data available once the current zone is in operation. #ActiveTravel #Edinburgh #LEZ
Read 11 tweets
Oct 14th 2022
Today marks the start of #PrestonStreetPrimarySchool's next campaign phase to improve our playground facilities & to further engage with other stakeholders regarding improvements to #ActiveTravel & #SpacesForPeople around school & connecting to the wider city.#Edinburgh #LEZ 1/5 Vision for future of Preston Street Primary school sitting w
We're seeking support/feedback from local community stakeholders & those from the wider #Edinburgh area to join our campaign in seeking a more connected approach to #ActiveTravel & #SpacesForPeople #planning through cohesive #CommunityEngagement & inter-community cooperation.
The success of #ActiveTravel & #SpacesForPeople in our ward (#SouthSideAndNewington) will also require the often lauded 'cross-party co-operation' of our locally elected parties:
@EdinburghLabour (Tim Pogson)
@EdinburghLibDem (Pauline Flannery)
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