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Sep 19th 2022
On Jan 6, the Jericho March cross was brought to the front lines of the earliest violence by stock photo staple #BaldJerichoCrossGuy (whose head gets injured). The mob is rabid, pulling cops down, choking them. #Spazzo takes police shield that breaks window. #CapitolJerichoCross ImageImageImage
We're still looking for the moment #BaldJerichoMarchGuy received his head injury, to see what caused it. It happened around the time the cross was in front.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 9th 2022
Some key points as we head into J6 hearings. The Capitol attack was 1) coordinated, 2) meant to be fast, and 3) derailed by a rapid police response that produced key delays. Watch here as democracy is saved by DC bike cops: momentum shifts after the first terrifying minutes. 1/
To make sense of the 5-hour attack on Jan 6, we’ve broken it into 8 phases. These diagrams can help understand. Here’s the first hour: the rush in (L), & then (R) the faceoff on the W. Plaza that bought precious time. 2/ ImageImage
The delay was followed by a frenzy of action - coordinated movements around the Capitol to breach doors on both sides, flood the interior. They got through 5 exterior doors & the Senate, were blocked at 2 & the House in violent fights. It almost worked - but it was too late. 3/ ImageImage
Read 45 tweets
Apr 8th 2022
#SeditionHunters - it seems the Proud Boys are flipping. One of the "big four", ex-Marine Charles Donohoe (#YutYutPB), who led over 200 Proud Boys to the Capitol, is copping a plea - see article. Here's Donohoe and the Proud Boys shortly before the rush of the NW Scaffolds. 1/
Here's Donohoe entering the scaffolds, just behind Pezzola (#Spazzo) who soon after broke the first window to set off the Capitol invasion. The other Florida Proud Boys who helped break the police lines have peeled off to the side and are skipping the action - typical for PBs. 2/
Unlike the rest of the "Big 4" of the Proud Boys leadership, Donohoe never entered the Capitol building. He ranks with them, but he bailed out of the scaffolds fight, then stood around on the lawn and never re-entered. So why is he flipping now? 3/
Read 10 tweets
Jul 29th 2021
Old-fashioned video watching thread: Starts on west walkway just after initial barrier breach, behind #ColSandersPB (0:00). 3:20 #InfoWarsPB. 3:24 someone with #greentapegroup #seditioncoms. 3:33 #GreyStripeGaiterPB ImageImageImageImage
3:39 #fashproshop. 6:06 #EddieBlock. 6:33 no idea what is up with the orange dunce hat stick. 6:35 this guy with the #seditionkeffiyeh looks familiar but no idea why. ImageImageImageImage
6:42 green armband #greentapegroup? 7:13 #KnitFlagScarfPB possibly talking to a buddy (who?). 7:45 here is the face of the guy with the orange dunce cap on a stick. 9:23 #KnitFlagScarfPB's possible buddy has black "army" hoodie and "we the people" red hat. ImageImageImageImage
Read 20 tweets
Mar 2nd 2021
1/n #d0Nay71Kk716

#breach #fence

📍 #WesternPlaza
⌚️ 12:59:28 (on or before)
⏱ 0:00:39
🖼 1280x720

@justhelpingout6 Do you know the original source?

0:04.57 #BigMAGACamo
0:08.09 #FacePaintBlowHard
0:09.28 0:20.28 0:32.81 #FashyFreddyMercury
0:10.63 0:36.09 #Spazzo
2/n #d0Nay71Kk716

0:13.02 #BeenieGiant
0:15.85 0:25.52 0:27.27 0:32.81 #MAGAretWhiteCoat
0:24.08 0:32.81 #Individual4 @K2theSky
0:26.14 #BaldBadFlag #SeditionBat 🏏
0:33.22 #WhiteHoodie Image
3/n #d0Nay71Kk716

#TheNewRev #TheNewRevolution…
"Patriots have broken through barriers at the US Capitol...

The Capitol Bldg. is now on lockdown."
Read 3 tweets
Feb 7th 2021
NEW: Rob Minuta guarded Roger Stone Jan 6th...& was later seen at #Capitol siege..

Now we know he has a history of escorting Trump allies like Flynn & Alex Jones. Also seen in December w/indicted Proud Boy #Spazzo.

By @arawnsley
2/ As @arawnsley highlights, Rob Minuta's NY tattoo business opened in defiance of COVID regulations in May.

#Oathkeepers leader Elmer Stuart Rhodes leader drove with a group all the way from Texas to show support.

3/ Rob Minuta has... some choice posts in the #Oathkeepers, Forum, found in a leak posted by @UR_Ninja last year.

And a public history of anti-vaccine positions, per @ChrisMcKenna845 @recordonline

Read 6 tweets
Jan 27th 2021
MUST WATCH: investigation by @WSJ shows 100+ Proud Boys coordinating, instigating and leading key elements of the #Capitol breach

Proud Boy 1: "Lets take the f* ** capitol"
Proud Boy 2: "Lets not F*** yell that alright"...

2/ The investigation walks through the footage (props to @WSJ, there's so much!) starting with Proud Boys staging under the direction of leaders including (now-arrested) Joe Biggs outside the #Capitol ImageImageImage
3/ In the staging area, a Proud Boy identified as Dan Scott aka 'Milkshake' yells "lets take the f***ng capitol"
-Milkshake is admonished by another PB.
-Someone makes fun of 'Milkshake' for the indiscretion(?). Some laughter.
-"Don't yell it, do it" says another, quietly. ImageImageImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Jan 18th 2021
BREAKING: Robert Gieswein of Colorado was picked up per @SeamusHughes. Individual holding a bat next to #SPAZZO.

Identified by several, but all refrained from naming him until the Affidavit was unsealed.

Militia connections, both to Nat'l groups & v. small local ones.
Here's a pic of Gieswein outside of Rep. @laurenboebert's gun themed Bar.

Source: @arawnsley, who found it. Here's his piece on him in the Daily Beast:…
Highly recommended thread: @arawnsley walks through OSINT that led us to finding Gieswein.

Read 6 tweets
Jan 13th 2021
BREAKING: Man who breached capitol window w/riot shield identified as Proud Boy by @MackLamoureux & @misstessowen at @VICE.

He caught the attention of many of us for first-in action, situational awareness...and apparent communications earpiece.

Source:… Image
@MackLamoureux @misstessowen @VICE Many ex military reached out and privately suggested that his actions read as military-trained.

In footage of him moving inside he would peek and pull back before advancing. When other early breachers were yelling at police, he was looking at exits. Head on a swivel... ImageImageImage
URGENT: Moderate-confidence pic of #Spazzo on a different day spotted by @downtowndemgirl w/Tattoo that may include "0351" which is MOS for Infantry Assault Marine.

Can you identify? Please DM me or @arawnsley @thedailybeast who recognized the Tattoo ImageImage
Read 4 tweets

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