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Apr 26th 2020
Shelter-in-place Day 40 deep closet finds: @ILMVFX 40th anniversary pin from 2015. Finally got (nearly) all of my vinyl out of mailers and into crates and saw the back wall of my closet for the first time in years. More buried treasures to come. #StarWars
Shelter-in-place Day 41 deep closet finds: #SoloAStarWarsStory @ILMVFX crew gear socks from 2018, the pattern on which is based on young Lando Calrissian’s shirt which is, in turn, based on the Ralph McQuarrie sketch below. Apologies if I’ve posted these before. #StarWars
Shelter-in-place Day 42 deep closet finds: #SoloAStarWarsStory embroidered crew gear puffy vest, still in the bag (outside of taking this photo). #StarWars
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Jan 7th 2020
I consumed the the entire Sequel Trilogy over two days (I work! Gimmie a break, homie.) last week and it was the first time I REALLY sat down with #TheForceAwakens & #TheLastJedi and took everything in from those stories now that the Trilogy has concluded with #TheRiseOfSkywalker
For those who know me understand my feelings on the Sequel Trilogy have say the least. I did often say that my final word on the ST wouldn't be complete until...well...the ST was complete.
Before I get into the nitty and gritty of the Sequel Trilogy I want to really acknowledge something that has become so apparent to me over the last few months. Maybe this will be obvious to everyone, but me lol (wouldn't be the first time)
Read 31 tweets
Sep 16th 2019
Abrimos hilo sobre #VFX, donde muestro planos de películas antes y después del trabajo de efectos visuales, y os enseño el proceso por pasos en #GIFs animados. ¿Va?
Empezamos con esta escena de #DoctorStrange. Aquí podéis ver qué es real y qué es digital.
#DelSetALaPantalla #cine
Seguimos con #TheMartian. Podéis ver que se rodó en un set bastante completo y que digitalmente se añadieron el paisaje marciano del fondo, los efectos atmosféricos y la corrección de color. Aquí por pasos y capas.
#DelSetALaPantalla #cine #VFX #EfectosVisuales #GIFs
Continuamos con varios planos de #AliceInWonderland (2010) de Tim Burton. Como veis en ocasiones hay sets de rodaje, pero en otras lo único que se conserva del plate rodado es a las actrices y poco más.
#DelSetALaPantalla #cine #VFX #EfectosVisuales #GIFs
Read 114 tweets
Apr 13th 2019
Legit theory for #StarWars #EpisodeIX #TheRiseOfSkywalker. This is going to be a substantial thread so bear with me here. But after reading some of JJ Abram's comments, I think it's clear what the "twist" is and what the title means.

Rey is Darth Vader's daughter.
I think this makes sense, because even though there was no "plan" for the sequel trilogy, it seems clear that JJ Abrams had a solid concept for what he wanted the character of Rey to be, and he's laid a TON of clues in #TheForceAwakens as to what that concept is.
First, the theory that Rey is Luke's daughter or Leia's daughter doesn't make much sense. There's no way Leia would not know she had a child out there somewhere, and Luke wouldn't abandon his own kid. Them being unaware of Rey until TFA just isn't feasible or believable.
Read 32 tweets

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