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Most recents (24)

Apr 4th 2023
البعض تعامل مع ظاهرة ( الأفتار) كتسلية و البعض الآخر اعتبرها ( قلة عقل) أو ( سخافة) ولكني أراها غاية في الأهمية و لا أبالغ اذا قلت لكم مستقبل البشرية بالدخول للأكوان والعوالم الافتراضية السحرية الموازية لعالمنا الرتيب هذا قد بدأ حقاً Image
و بوابة الدخول إليها هو هذا ( الأفتار) المتواضع الذي غصت به شبكة الفيسبوك خلال أيام..
التطور البيولوجي الدارويني كان يعتمد بشكل أساسي على الصدفة و الطفرة العشوائية في بناء ليس فقط أجسادنا بل تجمعاتنا البشرية و علاقاتنا و عادتنا الاجتماعية و الأخلافية
بل و حتى مشاعرنا و صفاتنا النفسية و أعمق مخاوفنا و آمالنا..
صحيح أنه استطاع إنجاز الكثير من الجمال و الاعجاز الحيوي إلا انه بالمقابل أورثنا أسوأ و أقبح الأشياء...فلذلك عالمنا متخم بخيبات الأمل و المحدودية والظلم..
Read 11 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
#Oscars2023 LIVE updates 🔴

All eyes are on India's entry #RRR 🤩

Get the latest updates here 👇…

#Oscars #Oscars95 #RRRForOscars
The first #Oscar goes to Pinocchio movie for Best Animated Feature.

Get the latest updates here 👇

#PinocchioMovie #Oscars #Oscars2023
Read 27 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
@drosha69 @JeffSonnenfeld - FYI: KFC and Pizza Hut owner and Heineken claims to pause business in Russia ONE YEAR AGO , yet the brand is still alive and well in MAR 2023…
See this video filmed in February 2023, showing brands that are sneaking back into the russian market including #Samsonite #Levis and #Reebok .

A mixture of outright business as usual and others duping consumers russian names, selling original products.

Same old products, under fake russian branding.

These companies need calling out and being held to acount by consumers, shareholders and the media.

#StopTrade with #Russia
Read 5 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
Long thread🧵on everything official we know about Avatar 3 up until this point. The release date of the film December 20, 2024. The film was written by James Cameron, Amanda Silver and Rick Jaffa. #Avatar3 #AvatarTheWayOfWater #Avatar
There were originally planned to be 3 Avatar sequels, but during development Avatar 2 was split into two films and now there will be 4 avatar sequels. The reason that the Avatar 2 was split was because the script was too long and they didn’t want to cut it down for time.
The BBC said in an article, that the title of Avatar 3 would be Avatar: The Seed Bearer.

In February 2018, James Cameron said in an interview the title for Avatar 3 hadn't been decided at that time and this was one of the titles being considered for the film.
Read 23 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
AVATAR es la película más taquillera de la historia. Ahora de actualidad por el estreno de su secuela (también de las más taquilleras). Acción, Ciencia Ficción, aventuras, ecologismo. Tiene tanto apasionado como odiador. Puro Cameron. Hilo de CURIOSIDADES #Avatar #Cinemelodic
El bueno de Cameron sondeó a gente de confianza antes de presentar su peli. Se la puso a Spielberg, Peter Jackson y George Lucas, a los que les gustó bastante, antes de presentar los primeros 24 minutos en la Cinema Expo 2009 en Ámsterdam. #Avatar #Cinemelodic
“Avatar” es la película más taquillera de la historia. Tardó cuatro años en hacerse, desde la preproducción hasta el estreno.#Avatar #Cinemelodic
Read 118 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
What is the most successful Hollywood movie of recent times? Everyone says and thinks Avatar right? But, as ever, it depends how you look at it.

We took a deep data dive and found some surprising, nay *horrifying* answers…(1/18)
#Avatar (2010) grossed close to $3bn worldwide, very closely followed by Avengers: Endgame at $2.8bn. Avatar 2 is currently at ~$2bn. While still climbing, it’s doubtful it will beat out its predecessor (2/18) Image
Note this steady, beautiful trend of films earning more and more… Might be a sign of rising returns. Or could be a side-effect of our old friend INFLATION 📈 So our first step: inflation adjust the data (3/18)
Read 18 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
Official #conceptart for the "Akula" for #AvatarTheWayOfWater. A thread 🧵.

On my first day after being hired, @DylanColeArt gave me my first assignment: "I need you to design a Pandoran shark". No pressure.⁠ Image
My imposter syndrome had ALREADY been riding incredibly high (getting a tour of the #Avatar2 concept art gallery had already put the fear of god in me), but after he said that I nearly passed out. After picking myself up off the floor, I got to work.⁠
We went through a few dozen "blue sky" exploratory versions, and within a few days I found myself in a room with the one and only #JamesCameron. No pressure again!! 🙃
Read 9 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
Fisher detecta muy bien las trampas ideológicas de #Avatar , comunes a muchísimas distopías y relatos de ciencia ficción. La principal es el hecho de que la disyuntiva que propone impide concebir auténticas alternativas políticas. Las excluye👇.
Dice Fisher sobre “Avatar”: “Lo que aparece clausurado en la oposición entre el capitalismo tecnológicamente predador y el organicismo primitivo, es la posibilidad de un anticapitalismo moderno y tecnológico… Avatar funciona como un síntoma ideológico”. K-punk I, 288.
“Avatar” instituye al primitivismo eco-esotérico en el adversario legítimo y necesario del tecnocapitalismo voraz. Reduce las opciones a dos. O taparrabos o máquinas high-tech. O naturaleza inmaculada o civilización.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 23rd 2022
[#Avatar2 une histoire New-Ageuse]
Je suis allé voir #AvatarTheWayOfTheWater hier soir, je vais vous livrer une critique à chaud du film.
Je mettrai un [Spoiler Alert] devant les tweets avec spoiler.
Avant de commencer, je ne vous livrerai ici aucune critique sur la technique ou l'histoire, mais j'axerai plutôt le thread sur des passages que je trouve problématiques dans ce #Avatar2.

J'ai quand même passé plutôt un bon moment.
Let's go.
🌍On commence avec Eywa, la divinité des Na'vi, je ne mets pas de [Spoiler Alert], elle était aussi présente dans le premier volet.
Eywa c'est la Terre-mère, tous les êtres vivants de Pandora sont connectés à Eywa, les Na'vi peuvent entrer en communion en se connectant...
Read 14 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
Giant trees that were cut down. Research Vapor Canopies and their effects on the atmosphere in ancient times.
Not all trees were cut. Some were blasted, torn etc. These don't look like plateaus, volcanoes, etc.
Plateaus don't make these type of signatures, neither do volcanoes....
Read 7 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
Itw de @FrcsBraun ce matin par @apolinewaje @RMCInfo @BFMTV
Thread long mais stop langue de bois
Pas de facteur de risque donc je peux te contaminer? 😳 @frcsBraun
Mais c'est quoi ce délire?
Et Qui se sait vulnérable? @FrcsBraun
Qui sait ce qu'est la
vulnérabilité ?
1 enfant vous lui posez la question?
Il doit vous Dévoiler qu'il a 1muco 1leucémie?
Non mais vous réalisez ce que vous dites merde
Demandez à mme @apollineWakeUp de vous citer tous les facteurs de risques sans 1 assistant ou sans Google ou ses fiches
Vous qui êtes médecins vous savez qu'avant qu 1 diag soit posé la personne ne se sait pas vulnérable. Et par ex dans le cadre de MAI de cancers le parcours est parfois LONG Tres long (vu le bordel actuel très Très long) et la personne est déjà vulnérable. On ne se sait
Read 39 tweets
Dec 6th 2022
The first press reactions to #AvatarTheWayofWater are in, and the response is largely gushing:
The long-long awaited sequel to director James Cameron’s #Avatar is being called better than the 2009 original in both its story and its cutting-edge visual effects
While some chided James Cameron for #AvatarTheWayofWater’s length or took issue with its myriad of characters and storylines, most seemed impressed – even overwhelmed – by the film’s underwater visuals
Read 4 tweets
Dec 2nd 2022
Hora do resumão do 1º Dia da #CCXP22! Pedro Pascal, Indiana Jones, Kevin Feige, Avatar e muito mais. Segue o fio e veja como foram os principais fatos da largada do evento! #PHnaCCXP
Fernando Meirelles comemora os 20 anos de #CidadedeDeus e revela que série derivada do filme está em desenvolvimento. #PHnaCCXP
A Paramount Pictures divulgou o trailer de #Transformers: O Despertar das Feras. Serão três novos filmes da franquia. #PHnaCCXP
Read 17 tweets
Nov 24th 2022
Avatar: The Way of Water (Dec. 16)

Final mix and picture mastering are now done: 13 years later, Avatar 2 is finished.

This is an opportunity to get a better look at the vehicles, whose designers are almost the same as for the original.
#avatar #avatar2 #vehicles #design #scifi ImageImageImageImage
As seen in the first image, there is more than one ISV (ship design story coming next month on my Patreon!) this time around, and in a new role.

New commercial:

Read 6 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
THR is taking a look at some of this year's most outrageous Halloween costumes, including Kim Kardashian's look as Mystique
Janelle Monáe also "blue" our minds with this otherworldly Halloween look
Blue was truly in style this Halloween as Halle Bailey also chose a Na'vi look from #Avatar for her costume this year
Read 6 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
The @mcfarlanetoys panel is about to begin at #NYCC everyone in attendance is leave with a Flashpoint Page Puncher!

Follow thread for updates.
@Todd_McFarlane opens up the panel!
Warner Brothers and Mcfarlane with collaborate to bring back the Movie Maniacs line!
Read 35 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
Before #Avatar came out in 2009, James Cameron gave Sam Worthington some advice: “He said, ‘When the movie comes out just take yourself away, out of the world for a bit. Go live on an island or go up a mountain and try not to read anything.’ And I did.”…
By the time Worthington returned from a snowy getaway with friends — no talk of box office receipts allowed — the film was a massive global hit: “I pretty quickly realized my life had gone 180.”…
Ahead of the film’s theatrical rerelease before its long-awaited sequel hits the big screen, Worthington, producer Jon Landau and star Stephen Lang spoke with @jenyamato.…
Read 8 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
In cinemas today (23/9)..

#Chup (Hindi)
#DhokhaRoundDCorner (Hindi)
#PremGeet3 (Hindi/Nepali)
#IshqPashmina (Hindi)
#PeepalTree (Hindi)
#Vanshree (Hindi)
#Agnivedi (Hindi)
#ShinUltraman (Japanese)
#Avatar (Re-release ; English)
#KrishnaVrindaVihari (Telugu)
#Alluri (Telugu)
In cinemas today (23/9)..

#DongalunnaruJagratha (Telugu)
#Ikshu (Telugu/Tamil)
#Bedlight (Telugu)
#Trigger (Tamil)
#Rendagam (Tamil)
#Buffon (Tamil)
#Aadhaar (Tamil)
#Kuzhali (Tamil)
#Drama (Tamil)
#GuruShishyaru (Kannada)
#RajaRaniRoarerRocket (Kannada)
In cinemas today (23/9)..

#SwachaKarnataka (Kannada)
#Chattambi (Malayalam)
#KoshichayanteParambu (Malayalam)
#Ormmakalil (Malayalam)
#VellarikkaPattanam (Malayalam)
#Kartikeya2 (Malayalam dub)
#Neighbours (Marathi)
#Raada (Marathi)
#PreetAdhuri (Marathi)
#Criminal (Punjabi)
Read 6 tweets
Sep 10th 2022
#Avatar (2009)
#SciFi #Planet #3D

என்னப்பா திடீர்நு இந்தப்படம்னு நீங்க நினக்கலாம். @HD__Movies1 கொடுத்த 6GB பிரிண்ட்ல கிட்டத்தட்ட 10 வருசம் கழிச்சு இப்பதான் பார்த்து முடிச்சேன்.
காலேஜ் பைனல் இயர் தியேட்டர்ல பார்த்தப்ப இருந்த அதே பிரம்மாண்டம், பிரம்மிப்பு•••#Ktkviews•••
கொஞ்சம்கூட குறையல.

பூமியில இருந்து கிட்டத்தட்ட 5 வருஷம் பயணம் செஞ்சு, ஒரு புது கிரகத்துக்குபோற ஹீரோ, அந்த கிரகத்து ஆளா மாறுற கதை! 2154ல நடக்கிறமாதிரி.

பண்டோரா கிரகம், மிதக்கும் மலைகள், 6 கால் விலங்குகள், கூந்தலிழையில் விலங்குகளுடன் இணைதல், மரங்களுக்கிடையே உறவுநு படம் முழுக்க
கற்பனைய அள்ளி வீசியிருக்கார். முழுக்க முழுக்க Sci-fic காட்டியும், அங்கயும் இறை நம்பிக்கை, ஈவா கடவுள், Scientist வாயாலயே, நான் ஈவாவ உணர்ந்தேன்னு சொல்ல வெக்கிறதெல்லாம் இயக்குனரின் spiritual டச்.
2009லயே இந்தளவு Technical Brilliance, Visual Extravaganza Sound effects, graphicsலாம்
Read 5 tweets
Jul 29th 2022
Avatars are central to the success of the #metaverse and #metacommerce. We need different #avatars for different purposes: accurate #3D digital doubles for shopping, realistic looking for #telepresence, stylized for fun, all with faces & hands. @meshcapade makes this easy. (1/8)
For on-line shopping, clothing try-on, and fitness, an avatar should be realistic – your digital twin. You need a true digital double to see how clothing will look in motion. But, creating avatars that are accurate enough for shopping is hard. (2/8)
Since it’s hard to 3D scan everyone, digital doubles must be created from a few images or a video. Existing methods require users to wear tight clothes and have cumbersome capture protocols. @Meshcapade uses a single image of a person in any pose, making creation easy. (3/8)
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Jun 3rd 2022
With my health, I don't know how many projects I have left in my tiny body. But I can still bring you sneak peaks until the end!

Full trailer coming soon. For now, enjoy the audio!

Book 4? More info in🧵

#Avatar #AvatarTheLastAirbender #TheLastAirbender
The Book 4: Air - Comic Drama is a collaboration between @SumRGuy and myself to bring you Book 4!

Using the official comics as a foundations, we’re adding original content as well to flesh out the story into a full, overarching season!

Here are sample panels by @RickOrangeJr! ImageImageImageImage
Hold on. I couldn’t leave out my favorite one. So much meme potential. Image
Read 9 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
301. #MrQueen (20epi)
22. #Kdrama
Awesome series🔥🔥👌.
20hrs of Fun and Entertainment.
Not a Single boring scene in first 17 episodes.
Each and every character are awesome 👌
Sometimes so gay
OverallWorth watching
S1 - 4.75/5👌
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean Image
302. #AreYouHuman (18epi)
23. #Kdrama

Nice sci fi drama..
S1 - 4/5👌
#Shows2blue #Kdrama2blue #Korean Image
Read 101 tweets
Feb 17th 2022
As a term, the word 'Metaverse’ was coined over thirty years ago, but it is only now being brought to mass public awareness, due in no small part to #Facebook’s recent name change.

But what exactly is the #Metaverse, how did we get here, and why does it matter? 👇

Simply speaking, the #Metaverse is an online realm in which you can interact with people or products using your digital identity, better known as your #avatar. In the Metaverse, you will be able to shop, use #streaming services, play games, hang out with friends, and more.

But what's so new about this? The difference that the #Metaverse is bringing lies in how we access this digital realm. Currently, that’s through a #Web2 interface. This means that we have to use multiple access points (usually email addresses) to access different services.

Read 18 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
[#Thread] Après plusieurs semaines de test intensifs, il est temps de vous faire un récap sur le #PlayToEarn @CrazyDefenseEN pour répondre à : 

🔸 Qu'est ce que c'est
🔸 Les points forts/faibles
🔸 Mon avis
🔸 Combien peut-on espérer #gagner en $

Sans plus attendre... 🧵⬇️
La découverte

@CrazyDefenseEN m'a été présenté par @CryptoGaryy de chez les @TheDiggers_io lors de l'un de ses #thread.

Les quelques images de ce jeu m'ont donné envie d'essayer et de l'exploiter pour voir ce que ça donnait en termes de #crypto (et les gains potentiels).
Concrètement, c'est un #TowerDefense, un peu dans le même type que @NFTCastleDef sur lequel j'ai passé pas mal d'heures.

Il faut empêcher des #troupes de #créatures sanguinaires d'atteindre certains points représentés par des drapeaux bleus.…
Read 23 tweets

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