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Jul 3rd 2021
City Manager Chris Murray: The Saturday Debate: Should Toronto clear encampments?
He argued yes against @Fudbar and @djjohnso.

Murray's piece was mostly vague statements & light on facts. But, he made a lot of questionable claims.…
1. LIE: our collective effort to end homelessness
It is trying to end “chronic homelessness” by 2030. This means ending homelessness for folks who have been homeless for 6 months or longer by 2030.
1b They say “end homelessness” – along with groups like the Toronto Alliance to End Homelessness as part of a branding effort to convince people Housing First will work because Housing First is a neoliberal policy that requires no meaningful social change.…
Read 29 tweets
Jun 24th 2021
Seen on Facebook this morning: a friend mentioned an old story about Margaret Mead, an anthropologist who, when asked by a student what she considered to be the first sign of civilization in a culture, responded by talking about a 15,000 year old fractured femur.
This leg bone had been broken and then healed, a process that takes about 6 weeks of rest, something that modern society takes for granted, along with the healthcare system including plaster cast, that allows us to maintain some level of mobility with a broken leg.
Mead explained that in the wild, a broken leg is a death sentence, and thus the owner of this fossilized femur must have been cared for by their community, their civilization, in order to have survived the ordeal of a broken leg.
Read 10 tweets
Jun 22nd 2021
We're on our way to Trinity Bellwoods where there is a mass eviction happening, attempting to clear an encampment. The city of Toronto has brought in swathes of police forces - dozens of officers in paramilitary gear, private security, horse mounted units, helicopters, and drones ImageImage
Since this morning, supporters participating in encampment defense have been pepper sprayed and are now kettled by police alongside encampment residents. Legal observers and press are being denied entry at the south gate.
Police are proceeding with the narrative that every encampment resident will be housed in a hotel. How is this a consensual choice when you have armed forces show up at your doorstep? Why is support conditional on being uprooted from community and giving up autonomy?
Read 4 tweets
May 25th 2020
I'm fascinated by how we can leverage evidence to inform behavior change. A thread based on literature & our #design of spaces & processes in high-stakes environments @AdvPerformHD @HumanFact0rz @ASPphysician @jyangstar 1/
2/ After the wkd, its clear some in Ontario are experiencing quarantine fatigue ( Below are thoughts combining work from change management (, behavior psych (, risk perception (Kahneman) & #harmreduction
3/ Current state = #publichealth experts tell us that we cannot return to our previous way of life despite many who wish to do so. RESULT = need for substantial behaviour change. CHALLENGE = people don't like to change. #default & familiar behaviour is preferred
Read 17 tweets

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