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Jan 14th 2023
131.01/ Week one-hundred and thirty-one, January 14-20, 2023, thread begins here.

Week 130 below.
131.02/ #MotzeiShabbatMovieNight continues. Tonight, part of the superhero theme, the second best of the Batman movies, Tim Burton's first (the best is the sequel).…
131.03/ This is Asante Samuel's dream and we're all living in it.

(Also, question: does Al Michaels automatically make games into TNF games now?)

Read 20 tweets
May 12th 2021
Es uno de los superhéroes más populares y queridos. ¿Puede ser que esté íntimamente relacionado con el judaísmo? ¿Y si está asociado a un pasaje extremadamente curioso y poco conocido de la Torá? Conozcamos esta historia. Sale #hilo.
El enmascarado vió la luz el 30 de marzo de 1939 y, como la gran mayoría de los héroes de ficción, surgió de la creatividad de artistas judíos. Para el caso se trató de Bob Kane (originalmente Robert Kahn) y Milton "Bill" Finger.
A diferencia de #Superman que es es un ser supernatural con superpoderes (como la gran mayoría de superhéroes), #Batman es un ser humano sin ningun poder especial. Un hombre de carne y hueso que utiliza su fuerza e inteligencia para defender a los inocentes.
Read 17 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
1/ OK a few more #Exodus thoughts (because I'm going through a mountain of parsha stuff amidst all my other writing) connected to the #DvarTorah here about the nameless collective-compassionate action of the multitude being the engine of the salvation.
2/ It struck me to link to another conundrum (kinda like the large plague frog in the room): how Pharaoh has his free will removed

So, the nameless action could be a purposeful contrast to the singular powerful individual who normally is history's focus.…
3/ IMO God manipulates Pharaoh in order to prevent one person making too much of a difference!

This ties into another larger point I often make about the culpability of the Egyptians & how actually they, not Pharaoh, are the focus of the plagues.
Read 16 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
1/ Another observation the #Literalist fallacy I see about how much Trump (ym'sh) has planned all of the chaos & violence. My overarching point will be that society is structured & that means there's an inherent pattern to effects no matter the 'intelligence' behind the causes
2/ The virus should teach us this. #Literalists claim it was made in a lab because they see a killing-machine that carves its way through society and they must apply individual force & cause to the effectiveness of the biological organism
3/ #Literalists see only the tree, not the forest, so they think every effect stands alone, and thus has individual cause. This is the root fallacy of 'intelligent design'

its what led my ancestors to presume every disease is caused by a demon. Nature becomes personified.
Read 27 tweets
Jan 23rd 2020
Here is an idea from my #Vaera essay, "The Weighing of the Heart": 🇬🇧 / 🇮🇱 / 🇪🇸 / 🇫🇷 / Family Edition / Listen #ShabbatShalom Image
The Torah tells us three times that the purpose of the signs and wonders was “so that the Egyptians may know that I am the Lord” (Ex. 7:5; 14:4; 14:18).
This is the core of monotheism. It is not that the Israelites have their God, and the Egyptians their pantheon, but rather that there is one sovereign power in the universe.
Read 9 tweets

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