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Sep 7th 2022
Gooooooooooood Moooooooooooooorning #Ukraine !
here comes a new day... and already some good news!
#Izium has been "de-Orcified" last night.. and some more Ka-52 Pollito-Alligator are down!
2/ On September 7, around 8.30 am, in the sky of #Kherson region, an anti-air missile unit shot down a Russian strike helicopter Ka-52 "Alligator".
In addition, at night, 2 enemy operational-tactical level drones were destroyed by anti-aircraft defense in the eastern direction
3/ hot hot hot... and keep going at it..
(and check my comment of casualties account - yes you can take "only" 2/3 of existing number) but the rest is 95% "secured" for the last 3 months - arty is sometimes hard to fully assess if SPH are hit for example)
way to go! #Ukraine
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