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May 18th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+449 (18/05) PdS2 - Théâtres

1/Front X, Hyp. Z, état secret
2/Dniepr, rive gauche & #Crimee, chut ! c'est secret !
3/Arrière scène, #Russie, l'arme secrète

visage de la séparation😢 Image

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez loupé la chronique N°DLXVIII-II de #GuerreEnUkraine, la voici👇


1/Front X, Hyp. Z,

(i) TDB

🟢Test des défenses AA aux frontières, succès
🟠Test & modelage de la ligne de front, généralisé
🟠Préparation dans la profondeur, débuté
•détruire PC, EW, DM, logistique
•effondrer la chaîne du carburant
🟠Opé. de déception, débuté
Read 18 tweets
Jan 18th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+329 (18/01) - PdS2 - Théâtre du

1/Dniepr, rive gauche

Les crimes de guerre continuent à #Kherson (👇g.) et #beryslav bombardées au magnésium (?)(👇dr.)…

#AFU répondent

tir de contre-batterie réussi près de #HolaPrystan 👇

2/ Front X

Honneur de l'armée : les hommes de la 81è brigade aéroportée prêtent serment au peuple d'#Ukraine 👇…
Read 7 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
Day 321 of #Russia's war. There's been outright war in Europe for every month of the past year after the unprovoked aggression started with bombs and the invasion of #Ukraine last February.

Follow all the news around the war, updated here in this thread throughout the day⬇️
I'll start in the now traditional fashion by giving you the link for yesterday's thread in case you missed anything in the #RussiaUkraineWar

First bad news from #Kramatorsk in #Donetsk region.

It's been confirmed that two people died when a Russian missile hit their car as they were travelling on the road.
Read 40 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
This is Day 313 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine

Thanks for joining me for another daily thread with all the important news surrounding the nations and Putin's illegal conflict.

Monday starts with many Ukrainians still under air raid warnings, but Russia looks to be hit too...
A flurry of activity towards the end of yesterday's thread as #Russia once again sent waves of drones into #Ukraine, again mainly heading for the capital.

Catch up on the whole day's events here by clicking and scrolling though:

The current threat seems to be dissipating. In some regions the all clear has been sounded, but not yet in #Kyiv. But the capital's air defence has shot down 10 attack drones so far tonight.

Read 39 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
Hello and welcome to my daily #RussiaUkraine news thread for Sunday, live from #Ukraine.

It's Day 291 of #Russia's illegal war, with all the important stuff in one handy🧵

Lots of action yesterday evening, to recap, click here:
#Russia's forces in #Ukraine are spending the night counting bodies.

Numerous attacks on occupied areas over a few hours, probably in #Crimea, definitely in #Donetsk + #Luhansk and most devastatingly in #Zaporizhzhia.

The biggest strike was in #Melitopol:
One of my unsung heroes of the war is #Ukraine's legendary rock star @s_vakarchuk who's spent so much time criss-crossing the country giving free, unannounced performances to keep spirits high.

Here the @okeanelzy frontman turned up in #Kyiv's main railway station

Read 20 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
It's Day 264 of #Russia's war of choice.
#Ukraine still defends its homeland and continues to liberate territory.

All the news in one thread right here.
Yesterday's stories can be found here:

British Intelligence gives a long range weather forecast!
More and more war crimes already coming to light in #Kherson.

Sky visits a "prison" where #Russia's soldiers tortured Ukrainians.…
Read 31 tweets
Nov 5th 2022
Saturday 5 November - Day 255 of daily threads.

Every single day, reporting the truth, cutting the waffle, on #Russia's war of choice on #Ukraine.

Updated "live" so check back, scroll though and share!

Coming up 🇬🇧🇺🇦 partnership, assassination attempt and landmark 🇷🇺losses...
A few people miss some things from the day before and find it handy to have a link to the previous thread, which is why I post it each day.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine

#UK has long supported #Ukraine, and not only with weapons - maybe it's to make up for guilt over the Budapest Memorandum letdown!

Today the Ministry of Defence will again be helping in a more unseen way:


Read 44 tweets
Nov 3rd 2022
Hello again. The daily #Russia thread is here with all the details from the Terrorist State's unprovoked war on #Ukraine

Thursday is Day 253

Here's yesterday's thread to peruse at your leisure including stories on Russia sabotaging private fishing boats

The @IAEA has a busy day. The nuclear watchdog's report into #Russia's allegations of #Ukraine making a dirty bomb may be out today

But problems at the huge #Zaporizhzhia plant where the last power line's been cut by shelling today. Just 15 days' fuel left for backup generators
#Russia is so well resources and prepared for the winter phase of its war of choice, that it continues to beg, borrow & steal.

Occupied parts of #Ukraine plundered,
Iran providing food/drink and they & North Korea sending missiles, while #Belarus is giving vehicles says UK Intel
Read 26 tweets
Oct 9th 2022
Day 228 of #Putin's war.
It's already another bloody and murderous day in #Russia's war on its peaceful neighbour.

#Ukraine stands strong though.

Here's the daily thread.
Check through yesterday's news right here⬇️

Seventeen people murdered this morning as #Russia continues its merciless assault on #Zaporizhzhia

Numerous private houses and apartment blocks were damaged, over a hundred injured with 49 in hospital.

12 missiles hit mostly civilian targets.

No doubt #RussiaIsATerroristState
British Defence Ministry update concentrates on the #Kerch Bridge attack on #Crimea

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia
Read 25 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
#Ukraine: Latest updates from #UkraineWar: 1. A lot happening in #Kherson and #Kharkiv regions. Videos/pics suggest UA forces are gaining ground & making substantial progress. Suggestion UA has acquired so much equipment that Russia is now UA’s biggest supplier! #tweet100
#Ukraine: 2. As we await confirmation from UA General Command, UK intel says heavy fighting has taken place in the last 24 hours nr #Kharkiv, #Donbas & #Kherson regions. Russia facing threats over 500 km which will test their operational ability, as earlier in the war. #tweet100
#Ukraine: 3. Claimed that UA forces have wiped out a Russian Special Rapid Response Unit at #Balakleya , #Kharkiv region
and many Russian prisoners taken elsewhere, including a lieutenant colonel. Reports some Russian units surrounded. #tweet100
Read 15 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
Gooooooooooood Moooooooooooooorning #Ukraine !
here comes a new day... and already some good news!
#Izium has been "de-Orcified" last night.. and some more Ka-52 Pollito-Alligator are down!
2/ On September 7, around 8.30 am, in the sky of #Kherson region, an anti-air missile unit shot down a Russian strike helicopter Ka-52 "Alligator".
In addition, at night, 2 enemy operational-tactical level drones were destroyed by anti-aircraft defense in the eastern direction
3/ hot hot hot... and keep going at it..
(and check my comment of casualties account - yes you can take "only" 2/3 of existing number) but the rest is 95% "secured" for the last 3 months - arty is sometimes hard to fully assess if SPH are hit for example)
way to go! #Ukraine
Read 19 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
#Ukraine: Today’s news reports from #UkraineWar: 1. UA’s General Staff reported today (6th) that it had repelled Russian offensives nr #Soledar, #Zaytsevo, #ShakhtaButivka and #Spartan in the #Donetsk region. #tweet100
#Ukraine: 2. This evening UA strikes are reported in #HolaPrystan , another location which the Russians are trying to use as a port for barges and ferries to supply their troops on the #Kherson frontline. #tweet100
#Ukraine: 3. In #Berdyansk, currently Russian occupied, the Russian appointed commandant of the Azov port city was severely injured today when his car was blown up nr the civil-military admin building. Partisans busy. #tweet100
Read 11 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
Day 195 of #Ukraine's defence and fight for its existence following #Russia's illegal invasion.

Welcome to Tuesday's thread of the important news, views and more on Europe's war.

ICYMI, for yesterday's 🧵click here:
Today's UK briefing documents the slow down in drone use by #Russia.

However large freight flights have recently been landing in Moscow from Tehran, so I'm fairly sure UAV stocks will be resupplied by now and on their way to #Ukraine.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
A reminder that a little later the @iaeaorg will release its report on the inspection visit to the #Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

Two of @rafaelmgrossi's team remain in #Enerhodar.

#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopRussiaNOW
Read 39 tweets
Sep 4th 2022
Day 194 of #Russia's 10-day "special operation" to take #Ukraine, but now they lose ground in the south and some territory in the east.

Welcome to a new week, which will end with the 200th day of this illegal war.

This is the daily thread with all the news
DMs open for tip offs
The fightback continued last night - if you missed anything, here's the start of yesterday's thread - scroll through to the end.

The last story was about a journalist in #Russia who's likely to be jailed for 24 years in a few hours.

Already quite a few regions in #Ukraine hit by #Russia's bombs tonight.

#Kharkiv, #Mykolaiv and #Zaporizhzhia.

These heavy explosions were heard in Zaporizhzhia city.
Read 56 tweets
Jul 8th 2022
Had a conversation with a dutch guy @delangeleo who was stuck in #Kherson for 4 months during the 🇷🇺 occupation. He told me in the city there was/is constant partisan activity. During the first couple of weeks this mainly consisted of assisting 🇷🇺 deserters to cross the lines,
These numbered in the 100's during the first months. This changed later on when at first there started to appear spray painted 🇺🇦 flags & flyers everywhere which the occupiers tried to paint over & remove asap. Also there started to be daily attacks on 🇷🇺 vehicles & troops.
🇷🇺 Trucks are getting bombed on a daily basis and 🇷🇺 soldiers just dissapear and are found dead later on. Strangly the partisans are asking the people not to post these actions on social media.The only reason i can think of not to spread this is to protect the people themselves
Read 7 tweets

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