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Sep 5th 2019
Ya de regreso, soy @OlgaGZamudio y soy divulgadora. Me gusta contar historias, especialmente cuando Ciencia, Cultura e Historia se interceptan. También soy muy visual (como habrán notado) e incorporo estos elementos en la divulgación. Empecé escribiendo mini y microficciones:
@OlgaGZamudio Dejé la escritura abandonada mucho tiempo para concentrarme en el doctorado. Estando en Canadá mientras cuidaba a mi hijo recién nacido se dio una oportunidad. El concurso Chemistry champions de @AmerChemSociety.
@OlgaGZamudio @AmerChemSociety Creé una serie de videos, pueden ver uno sobre el arsénico aquí:
Read 18 tweets
Jan 8th 2019
Born & raised in #Fanar #Lebanon, a tiny country in the middle east with a lot to offer. I always had a positive outlook on life maybe because of the culture or values🤷‍♀️.
If you don't know #Lebanon or a #lebanese then you should start mingling 🤣
@IWS_Network #VoicesIWS
I grew up surrounded by a loving, joking & tough type of family that always support each other even amidst fighting. You can imaging being 4 kids in different age groups can cause a lot of fights growing up 😂 #siblingsfight #family #VoicesIWS
I have my issues🤷‍♀️! I always wanted to prove myself & make my family proud(2nd child). A pressure that was just in my head; they were always proud of us. I wanted to grow up to be a doctor or an army officer like my dad. Let's just say I changed my mind! #VoicesIWS @IWS_Network
Read 27 tweets

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