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Jan 5th 2022
With Government bringing in new guidelines for COVID situation, A weekend curfew has been imposed - which makes the situation even more worse for Kannada Film Industry.

#NamCinema #nightcurfew #WeekendCurfew #OmicronVarient #COVID19
Owing to COVID situation in past couple of years many theatres across the state which predominantly screened Kannada movies have shut down owing to financial losses.

#NamCinema #nightcurfew #WeekendCurfew #COVID19 #OmicronVarient
Now with present scenario more theatres would follow the same suit as they no movie goers or the general audience making it theatres given the strict COVID guidelines.

#NamCinema #nightcurfew #WeekendCurfew #COVID19 #OmicronVarient
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Apr 15th 2021
#NDTVExclusive | "There is an app which tells you how many beds are available": Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal on #COVID19 surge Image
#NDTVExclusive | "I can assure you that whatever the situation may be, I will tell it honestly to the people": Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal on #COVID19 surge Image
#NDTVExclusive | "There will be a detailed order on the #WeekendCurfew soon": Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Delhi's #COVID19 surge Image
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