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Oct 17th 2022
There's a widespread view that when UK rejoins EU (as it surely will) the other member states will in some way want to "punish" UK. I see no evidence of this - in fact the opposite as they have bent over backwards to ease UK's self-inflicted problems as far as legally possible
A (strongly Anglophilic) colleague in the Commission told me of the intense and extremely complex work by their team on sorting out pharmaceutical/ NI protocol issue. Completely unappreciated by UK side
However, UK has a mountain to climb to regain trust - so far Brexit negotiators have either been disinterested/ disengaged or duplicitous/ deceitful, UK media has (mostly) been totally dishonest, and many UK commentators don't talk to anyone in Brussels
Read 3 tweets
Jun 16th 2020
It really isn't. As Peter points out in his [Thread] @CDEIUK avoids talking about what UK Gov't is planning to do, and carefully chooses examples that skirt the very real #discrimination issues - Yellow Fever? How about HIV status? And effectively mandatory #biometricID?!
The not-very-subtle "We can't do nothing, #ImmunityCertificates are the only option" framing is redolent of #Whitehall & #WestminsterBubble #groupthink, barely tempered by the admission we don't know enough about #COVID19 #immunity to reasonably consider such things. Meanwhile...
...evidence is emerging that some people don't develop #antibodies, even after having caught the #virus:…

At this point, #ImmunityPassports have even LESS chance of working / being useful than the much over-hyped #nhsxCovid19app - but with far greater...
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