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Feb 9th 2022
Looking forward to what should be an interesting discussion on how the aspirations of the #LevellingUpWhitePaper can be translated into meaningful change #WhatNextForLevellingUp
First panelist @KatieSchmuecker looks at the White Paper from the issue of #Poverty - says this is "not a White Paper for Poverty". The word only mentioned 9 times, mostly in the context of #FuelPoverty & international comparisons #WhatNextForLevellingUp
Schmuecker says #LevellingUp will not be achieved unless we meaningfully improve prospects of those at the bottom. Is sceptical that high productivity automatically means higher wages. Cites London which is the most productive, but most unequal, region #WhatNextForLevellingUp
Read 46 tweets
Sep 7th 2021
1. #Travel #Holidays #ClimateChange #Sustainability

Over the years I have tweeted about various aspects about how we travel and its affect on the #environment and the world around us. Through those years I've become more conscious of the travel decisions I make and it hasn't... Image
2. #Travel #Holidays #ClimateChange #Sustainability

...always been easy. In my small way I'd travel for business by train rather than car, using rail to travel to #Brussels #Paris, offsetting my #CarbonFootprint when travelling by air. Now I'm looking to #EV, 2replace my car... Image
3. #Travel #Holidays #ClimateChange #Sustainability

A couple of years ago whilst I was in #London, I decided to visit the #ExtinctionRebellion protest in #Whitehall where I managed to speak with one of its members, talking about the #Climate and Travel:
Read 44 tweets
Aug 30th 2021
This is the moment we disrupted an attempt by Extinction Rebellion to block a road.

We predicted where activists might strike, taking immediate action.

Throughout the past seven days, we’ve responded to several disruptive protests in London.


When activists put up a pink table near to Covent Garden, several people were inside the structure, with complicated lock-on devices.

Our specialist teams worked through the night to remove people safely and methodically. Roads were open the following day.
We also responded with @CityPolice when roads around Mansion House were blocked with a complex bamboo structure.

Once again our specialists worked swiftly and safely to dismantle this structure as quickly as possible. Here's a photo as they looked to remove lock-on devices.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 7th 2021
1/12: Will the UK #integratedreview of security & #foreignpolicy really make a difference? It was billed as a radical reset after #Brexit & does contain important innovations. But there are many areas of continuity. A thread, now we’ve had time to digest..
2/12: #GlobalBritain hyperbole was inevitable. A “science superpower”, a “#softpower superpower”, “an independent country free to tread our own path”. But to be fair, beneath the froth lies serious thought to frame international & domestic priorities.
3/12: The #geopolitical analysis is sober. A tougher, more competitive world where China looms large & old certainties no longer apply. Yet the core prescription is familiar. British foreign policy with global reach, defending liberal democratic values, rule of law & trade.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 8th 2021
1/9: The #UK government will soon publish its #IntegratedReview of defence, security, development & #ForeignPolicy. This is an important inflection point: we need a comprehensive, credible vision of the #GlobalBritain agenda after #Brexit. What to expect?.. a thread..
2/9: The #IntegratedReview will set principles to guide individual policies, advocating agile, global British reach in support of democratic values. Johnson’s strap-line is “#UK as a force for good”. But lofty principles will only be credible if hard, practical choices are made.
3/9: Much will be orthodox: supporting effective #multilateralism, rule of law, open #trade. I expect strong commitment to the #US relationship (whatever some say, #Biden is a godsend for Johnson) & lots about the fashionable but nebulous concept of an “#IndoPacific tilt”.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
#FFS! 🤦🏻‍♂️😱🤬…

Not so much "Farewell #Whitehall, hello #RedSquare?"* as rank #incompetence and a disturbing disregard of #NationalSecurity...

And those who've followed closely* will be aware of the Gov't #disinformation campaign about what turns out to be THEIR fault:

*Contrary to later spin about Corbyn, the documents first surfaced in JULY 2019... in the @Telegraph:…
While I'd be concerned about monitoring of *anyone's* #personal comms devices - #HumanRights are for everyone, after all! - @1Br0wn makes the excellent point that fixing this is not just about #security, but #usability:

(+ following rules + no cover-ups)
Read 4 tweets
Jul 18th 2020
La RAF en Alemania en 1986, igualito que ahora🙄 Image
Es un aperitivo del artículo de mañana...
Lo prometido es deuda. Hoy tocaba Reino Unido y aquí está este análisis, que ahonda en la complicada situación que enfrenta el país en relación a su defensa. #Brexit #UK #Whitehall… Image
Read 3 tweets
Jun 16th 2020
It really isn't. As Peter points out in his [Thread] @CDEIUK avoids talking about what UK Gov't is planning to do, and carefully chooses examples that skirt the very real #discrimination issues - Yellow Fever? How about HIV status? And effectively mandatory #biometricID?!
The not-very-subtle "We can't do nothing, #ImmunityCertificates are the only option" framing is redolent of #Whitehall & #WestminsterBubble #groupthink, barely tempered by the admission we don't know enough about #COVID19 #immunity to reasonably consider such things. Meanwhile...
...evidence is emerging that some people don't develop #antibodies, even after having caught the #virus:…

At this point, #ImmunityPassports have even LESS chance of working / being useful than the much over-hyped #nhsxCovid19app - but with far greater...
Read 4 tweets

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