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May 15th 2023
/10 🚀 "Powering Up Your Tech Startup: Crafting Compelling Pitch Decks"

Navigating the world of #startups?

Your pitch deck can make or break your big break. Let's dive into some effective writing strategies with real-world examples. 🧵

#TechStartups #PitchDeck
1. Remember, your pitch deck is a STORY.
2. Talk about the PROBLEM.
3. Then showcase your SOLUTION.
4. Be upfront about your BUSINESS MODEL.
5. Provide a clear MARKETING & SALES STRATEGY.
6. Prove why your TEAM is the best to solve this problem.
7. Your FINANCIALS matter.
8. And finally, ask for the INVESTMENT.
Read 13 tweets
Apr 1st 2023
Y combinator explains:

How to come up with startup ideas.
7 Recipes of generating startup ideas in order of likelihood of reaching good startup ideas:

1 - Start with something you and your team is good at - Ideas you come up this has automatic founder market fit. This may not be right for young founders.
2 - Start with a problem you personally encountered, specially when you are unusual position to notice it:

Eg - 2 young founders started an eCommerce store for veterinarians supplies. The founder's dad was veterinarian & they notice that current process was inefficient.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023

1/4. Tiếp tục là một dự án sớm mới huy động được $23M từ : Standardcrypto, A16z, Ycombinator, Sybogames...
Và dự án mình muốn gửi đến ae hôm nay là @MinoGamesInc 💎 Image
2/4. Bên dưới là Các thông tin sớm từ dự án mà ae cần biết 👇:

• Là công ty trò chơi web2 thành lập từ 2014 đã có rất nhiều thành công trước đây
• Các Game của #Minogames có hơn 60M lượt #download trên toàn thế giới
• Được hỗ trợ bởi các nhà đầu tư lớn
3/4. Các Khoản Tài Trợ Từ Vc 💸:

- Đã huy động được $15M cho các sáng kiến ​​cryptocurrency của họ trong năm 2022.
-Mino đã huy động được $23M và được hỗ trợ bởi một số nhà đầu tư uy tín trong ngành như : #Standardcrypto, #A16z, #Ycombinator, #Sybogame.. Image
Read 5 tweets
Aug 20th 2019
Stoked for @narratorai @ae4ai and the team to pitch at @ycombinator Demo Day today! They’ve put in so much hard work over the last couple of years and these last three months have been a whirlwind. #ycdemoday #YCombinator #S19
When people ask why we backed @ae4ai so early (a literal idea on a napkin), I have to go way back to when he was an intern for me at @wework. He sent me a thoughtful and succinct cold email asking if he could work with our team so he could learn all about about startups.
WeWork was a small team at the time but we were growing fast. I had one call with @ae4ai and asked him to come in right away. It was clear from the first chat that he was one of the smartest, kindest, hardest working people I had ever met.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 5th 2019

Trump's Encouraging QAnon May Result in Violence—Just ask the FBI

8/1/19: The FBI specifically mentions QAnon, a shadowy network that believes in a deep state conspiracy against Trump, Antifa & Pizzagate.

8/3/19 two mass shootings.
5 days b/4 Alt R #ElPaso

FBI assessment that online conspiracy theories “very likely” result in domestic extremists committing violent crimes

The AltR/QAnon folks spun a false narrative about coming ‘Antifa’ violence in El Paso five days before the Maga mass shooter massacred people.

9 people were killed in Dayton, Ohio, when a gunman opened fire early Sunday at a bar.

MX vows to take legal action against U.S. after deadly El Paso shooting

From its effect on the world, 8chan could be ranked as one of the internet’s most dangerous sites.
Read 64 tweets
Aug 1st 2019
🎀 Hello hello! The news isn't covering something VERY IMPORTANT, so I'm here to help! This thread will help break down the Oversight Report for July 2019, also known as the Cummings Report.
Read Along:…
Many whistleblowers inside the White House have provided info to the cmtee about " efforts inside the White House to rush the transfer of U.S. nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia."
That's illegal.
The best 123 agreement is the "Gold Standard" which requires the country to promise to not enrich fuel or increase proliferation. Saudi Arabia refuses to abide by this.
So, no nuke trade with them.
Read 16 tweets
Jul 16th 2019

Assange rec’d couriered deliveries, of hacked data re 2016elex, during a series of mtgs at the EC Emb in London.

Assange met with RUs & known hackers at critical moments, frequently for hours at a time.

JUNE 14, 2016
DNC announces it's been hacked and blames Russia

JUNE 19, 2016
J-Ass also acquired powerful new computing & network hardware to facilitate data transfers just weeks b/4 WikiLeaks received hacked materials from RU operatives.

Brexit vote 6/23/16🤔

Assange also had five meetings in June w/ senior staffers from RT

RT is the Kremlin-controlled news organization.

US intelligence agencies have concluded that RT had "actively collaborated with WikiLeaks" in the past & played a significant role in Russia's effort to influence the 2016 election and help Trump win.
Read 81 tweets
Aug 22nd 2018
1/ Some streaming observations from #YCombinator #DemoDay 2018
2/ Better diversity of founders, but not funders 🤦🏻‍♀️
3/ Even more so than in previous years - startups serving a global market 🌍
Read 9 tweets

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